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Vice-Premier Qian Qichen Attended the Luncheon by Asia Society and Delivered An Important Speech, 2001

environment for economic development at home. China will continue to follow ... and world economic development. China is the largest developing country ... interest in Asia and China’s development. I would like now to share with you ...

Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波 named 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, October 8, 2010

China has achieved economic advances to which history can hardly show any ... struggle for fundamental human rights in China. The Norwegian Nobel Committee ... for political participation has also broadened. China's new status must ...

Steven Spielberg to Hu Jintao on Darfur, Nov. 2007

to the genocide. China's economic, military and diplomatic ties ... Republic of China Zhongnanhai, Xichengqu, Beijing City People's Republic of China November 15, 2007 Your Excellency, It has been several months since ...

George H.W. Bush, Press Conference, June 5, 1989

to China. Did you consider economic sanctions for this morning's ... in China. There has been widespread and continuing violence, many casualties, ... ignore the consequences for our relationship with China, which has been ...

President Jiang Zemin's Opening Remarks at the Joint Press Conference of Chinese and US Heads of States, 2002

to express my warm welcome to President Bush's visit to China. This is my ... complicated and constantly changing international situation, China ... and cooperation in economic and trade, energy, science and technology, environment ...

Tibetan Government in Exile, "Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy," November 16, 2008

is available at: MEMORANDUM ... of China (PRC) in 2002, extensive discussions have been held between ... on autonomy in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). ...

Steven Spielberg withdraws as Olympics advisor, 2008

crimes but the international community, and particularly China, should be doing more to end the continuing human suffering there. China's economic, military and diplomatic ties to the government of Sudan continue ...

Ma Ying-jeou, Remarks on Taiping Island, January 28, 2016

Islands, part of the southern territories of the Republic of China ... attach to you and your mission. I. South China Sea Peace Initiative Roadmap In response to the decades of dispute regarding sovereignty over the South China ...

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu's Remarks on China-ROK, China-Japan Foreign Ministers' Meetings May 15, 2010

and sensitive, China hopes parties concerned could put peninsular and regional ... to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. Yang Jiechi reiterated China ... that China’s position on the East China Sea is clear-cut and consistent. China ...

Secretary Kerry Delivers Remarks on the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, November 21, 2013

a controversial air defense identification zone announced by China on Saturday that includes a chain of disputed islands claimed by both China and Japan. “The United States is deeply concerned about China's announcement ...
