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Beyond "How" and "What" is "Where," and Disney's Bob Iger is looking to China

of the equation. And right now, China is where it’s at. “It’s not just large, ... “Fortune 500 companies today are looking to China for growth. It’s a very ...

China Related Courses at USC- Spring 2018

The Political Economy of China Erin Baggott, 4 units TTh 3:30-4:50 IR 384- Asian ... Baggott, 4 units Th 2-4:50 East Asian Studies (EASC) EASC 160mgp- China ...

Funds Raised for Quake Relief in China

Olympics. The film tells the story of Liu Changchun, China’s first Olympic ...

Allied Forces Invade China to Relieve Foreign Legations During Boxer Rebellion: Allied Proclamation to the Inhabitants of Tianjin (Tientsin), 1900

December 13, 1901   Allied Forces Invade China to Relieve Foreign Legations During Boxer Rebellion: Allied Proclamation to the Inhabitants of Tianjin (Tientsin)   To the Inhabitants of the City of Tientsin:     ...

Song, "Flow into eternity: Patriarchy, marriage and socialism in a North China village," 2008

August 4, 2009 Zhifang Song, Ph.D. Abstract (Summary) This dissertation studies changes in marriage practice in a North China village through decades of the Communist rule. Using Bourdieu's model ...

Wang, "The social functions of private neighborhood associations: The case of homeowner associations in urban China," 2008

China--solving neighborhood problems and promoting civic participation. ...

Dornbos, "Evolutionary paleoecology and taphonomy of the earliest animals: Evidence from the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian of southwest China," 2003

August 24, 2009 Stephen Quinn Dornbos, Ph.D. Abstract (Summary) The Neoproterozoic and Cambrian soft-bodied fossil deposits, or lagerstätten, of southwest China provide invaluable windows into life during the initial ...

Living the Life- A Day at the “Venice of China”

A tourism site I found on Google deemed the town the “Venice of China ...

Susan Wang- USA Pavilion Student Ambassador

was filled with kitchen/bathroom needs, mosquito coils, trash bags, paper ... in China). I'm so excited This isn't a job, this is more ...
