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US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing on Taiwan's Accession to the World Trade Organization, Sept. 6, 2000

reams of paper that define exactly what concessions China will make ... of paper that define exactly what concessions China will make in order ... a white paper about a month before the Taiwanese election, it became clear ...

Q&A With Jonathan Woetzel of McKinsey on Artificial Intelligence in China

February 13, 2018 Originally published by US-China Today on February ... to constantly learn and improve its processes. In China and other countries, ... and workforces. In order to better understand what AI means for China, US-China ...

The Administration's Perspective on China's Record on Nonproliferation, 2006

not changed. China’s economic and technological advancements and its ... for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation Testimony Before the U.S.- China Economic Security Review Commission Washington, DC September 14, 2006 Good ...

Klein on China: Then and Now

[that] served the then-modest trade between the colony and mainland China ... million has ambitions to become China’s major international financial ... White House communications director recalls, “transportation [had] ...

PRC State Council Information Office, The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2021, February 28,2022

economic inequality between ethnic minority groups and the white population ... February 28, 2022 U.S. reports on human rights in China 2021 | 2017 ... of the People's Republic of China February 2022 Contents FOREWORD I. A HEAVY PRICE ...

China's Social Policy: New Agenda in the Era of Urbanization

to domestic economic reform and globalization since the 1980s, China's policy now is based on the accelerating socio-economic changes ... of China, gave a presentation that reviewed China's social policy reform ...

NEW COURSE- Water and Energy Management in China: Market Forces and Socialist Ideology

whole planet looks like tomorrow. How does China allocate important ... regulations and their economic foundations. Important concepts, such as property ... to environmental management practices in China – a historically socialist country ...

Video: Doug Fuller on The Political Economy Of China's Technological Development

While Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons' findings suggest that China ... September 7, 2017 About the Book China presents us with a conundrum. ... a number of vibrant high-tech firms?  China's domestic financial system ...

U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2014," October 9, 2014

advocates for retribution. The release of an unprecedented White Paper on Hong ... for political purposes or to advance China’s economic interests. China’s adherence ... a first-ever White Paper on Hong Kong that emphasized centralized control ...

Xi Jinping, "Remarks at the China-US Economic and Trade Forum," February 17, 2012

Communique. Los Angeles is a major hub in China-US economic and trade exchanges. ... for the China-US Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum, which offers a good platform ... of China-US economic and trade cooperation. There is a view which suggests ...
