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David McCormick, U.S. Treasury Undersecretary, "Global Financial Turmoil and its Implications for China," May 9, 2008

An ambitious reform agenda will advance China's economic goals in four ... There are many reasons to believe that the appetite for economic reform in China ... It is a critical component of China's future, economic growth, and stability. ...

Shambaugh, Is China Unstable? Assessing the Factors, 2000

discussion on the future of China from political, economic, and historical ... at least had a pretense of economic justice. Both Russia and China have ... group of China, enjoying the best economic and educational opportunities, ...

Robert Lighthizer, “Evaluating China’s Role in the WTO Over the Past Decade,” June 10, 2010

in testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. He ... Documents- US-China Topic:  Politics Economics Tags:  u.s. leaders trade Custom ... and drift among U.S. policymakers have allowed the U.S.­China trade deficit ...

The President Receives President Xi of the People’s Republic of China, September 25, 2015

September 25, 2015   Links:  Barack Obama and Xi Jinping, Joint Press Conference Vice President Biden Hosts a Luncheon for President Xi Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Human rights ...

Tensions over Trade: Part 2 of Election '08 and the Challenge of China

labor activist; formerly of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ... McCormack, US Treasury Under Secretary, U.S.-China Economic Engagement: ... Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," 2007 ...

Commerce Undersecretary Christopher Padilla, “China’s Quest to be an Innovation Society,” May, 9, 2008

China faces domestic economic, demographic, and social challenges ... China’s economic success to date has been driven by its decision ... Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Science and Technology Economics Tags:  ...

Scott Rozelle on China's Urban-Rural Divide

China's Human Capital Section:  Multimedia Topic:  Economics Tags:  ... attests, China has quickly transformed itself from a place of stark poverty into a modern, urban, technologically savvy economic powerhouse. But as Scott ...

Congressional Research Service, “China’s Holdings of U.S. Securities: Implications for the U.S. Economy,” January 9, 2008

equal.  Other economists counter that it would not be in China’s economic ... Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Tags:  finance currency trade Custom ... rates (such as China) to help promote growth and to fund the federal ...

China and Vietnam Issues a Joint Communiqué, October 8, 2004

under the framework of China-Vietnam economic and trade cooperation ... 8, 2004, the governments of the People's Republic of China ... of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam I. At the invitation of Prime ...

Ezra Vogel on Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

has published hugely influential books on both China and Japan. In his latest, he examines the key role played by Deng Xiaoping in moving China ... 9, 2011 presentation at the USC U.S.-China Institute, Vogel focused ...
