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Asst. Sec. Charles H. Rivkin, “Remarks at the U.S.-China Film Summit,” Nov. 5, 2014

industries in America and China. By doing so, we can set a powerful precedent ... the world over. In China, children still watch him on their television screens ... industries are showing how movies can also be an economic force for good, ...

USC and China in the News, January and February 2012

on California trade and economic opportunities with China included comments from ... February 27, 2012 Click here for other "USC and China ... Jobs and Apple in China. Chen said that FoxConn pays well for China “And ...

US-China experts convene at USC Journalism Forum

of the USC U.S.-China Institute, a program overseen at USC Annenberg, talked ... the United States and China. The two nations, he showed, dominate global ... of business with each other. “The U.S. and China matter,” Dube said. Dube ...

Kerr, "Russian and Chinese responses to recent crises: Dissecting contexts of political processes," 1997

and finally China's priority of economic over political reforms as compared ... Tiananmen uprising in China did not lead to the overthrow of China's politico-economic system, in contrast to the astonishing 1991 collapse of the USSR. ...

USC and China in the News, November and December 2014

December 23, 2014 Click here for other "USC and China ... in China. December 16, 2014: Voice of America The USC U.S.-China Institute’s ... audiences…So far China’s success in this realm has been very limited. Chinese ...

May You Stay Forever Young

forever? In medieval China, circa third century B.C., people believed ... Medieval China (University of Hawai’i Press, 2009) was published in February. ... in meditation traveled to the otherworld, submitted all necessary paper work ...

House Committee on International Relations, “The Internet in China: A Tool for Freedom or Suppression?,” February 15, 2006

technology and know-how is substantially enabling repressive regimes in China ... the years, I have held and chaired 25 hearings on human rights abuses in China, and while China’s economy has improved somewhat, the human rights situation ...

University Faculty, “Memoradum for President-Elect Nixon on U.S. Relations with China,” November 6, 1968

toward Communist China is a matter of grave concern to me. The following ... toward Communist China is startling, Dr. Kissinger's ... Nixon on U.S. Relations with China (The signatories: Jerome Alan Cohen, ...

Creating Networks and Research Collaborations in China

is to summarize activities that were funded by the USC U.S.—China Institute and were ... The focus in each location was on religious expression in China, both ... a brief visit to the south-eastern region of China (interviewing ...

Shin, "Yellow Hollywood: Asian martial arts in U.S. global cinema," 2008

and White Man's Burden, and naturalize the white hero's superiority ...
