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Letter from Barack Obama to Ma Ying-jeou May 22, 2008

hope the People's Republic of China will respond to the beginning ... on issues including development of economic ties, expanding Taiwan's ... that deserve a good-faith response. I support the "one China" policy ...

Chinese Communist Party publishes key policy document on governance capability (2004)

economic field, so as to safeguard China's political, economic, cultural ... September 26, 2004 China's ruling Communist Party Sunday ... on the success of China's socialist cause, the future and destiny ...

US Defense Secretary Gates and PRC Defense Minister Gao, Joint Press Appearance, 2007

economic growth, China is a leader in the Asia Pacific region, ... now visiting China. Dr. Gates arrived in Beijing last evening. He ... forces of China and the United States. The Chinese government and Chinese ...

Full text of resolution on amendment to CPC Constitution October 21, 2007

for China's economic and social development and a major strategic thought ... October 21, 2007 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1975   |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1978  |  Constitution ...

John Kerry, Remarks at a U.S. Visa Event, Nov. 12, 2014

Beijing, China November 12, 2014 MR. KRITENBRINK: Good afternoon, everyone. ... economic cooperation and increasing people-to-people exchanges are key elements of America’s policy toward China. As evidence of our commitment ...

Wu Bangguo, 2011 Report on the Work of the National People’s Congress, March 10, 2011

of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary ... and making significant fresh progress in socialist economic, political, ... for economic and social development during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period. ...

US Defense Secretary William Cohen visits Beijing, 1997

University speech, just as economic growth and stability in China contribute ... a favorable environment for China's economic development. In this regard, ... of Defense William S. Cohen Academy of Military Sciences Beijing, China Sunday, ...

James Mattis, Remarks at Shangri-La Dialogue, June 3, 2017

for a minute about China and the United States.  Because of its growing economic ... We welcome China's economic development.  However, we can also anticipate economic and political friction between the United States and China ...

Congressional Research Service, Tibet: Problems, Prospects, and U.S. Policy, April 10, 2008

of China to mark the 49th anniversary of an unsuccessful Tibetan uprising ... in downtown Lhasa. Authorities of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) responded ... and prevent further violence. Still, China’s response has resulted in renewed ...

Congressional Research Service, "Promoting Global Internet Freedom: Policy and Technology," Oct. 23, 2012

in commerce in the global market and for economic growth and technological ... Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Politics Tags:  Internet ...
