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Talking Paper for President Ford's Meeting with Chairman Mao Ze-dong

papers which give you a sense of his personal style and viewpoints, essays ... records of President Nixon's and my talks with the Chairman. This paper ... time to the Chinese as President, on our policies toward China ...

CIA, Mao's Cultural Revolution- Origins and Development, Oct. 6, 1967

below. This working paper of the DD/I Special Research Staff is an attempt to reconstruct the  history of China's "great proletarian Cultural revolution." It presents the thesis that China's *lcultural revolution" ...

Analysis of Secretary Kissinger's Meeting with Chairman Mao, October 21, 1975

at the meeting were George H.W. Bush. chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in China ... Rodman, White House staff member; and Anne Boddicker, secretary. Chairman ... not be counted upon to resist pressures and therefore China was going to have to go ...

Nixon in China Itinerary, Feb. 17-28, 1972

on the South Lawn of the White House, the President and Mrs. Nixon went ... to the People's Republic of China. Arriving at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station, ... afternoon, February 19, reading and preparing for the China visit. Saturday, ...

Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, February 27, 1972 (Shanghai Communiqué)

the People's Republic of China at the invitation of Premier Chou En-lai of the People's Republic of China from February 21 to February 28, 1972. ... Party of China on February 21. The two leaders had a serious and frank ...

Mao Tse-tung (Mao Ze-dong) and the Sino-Soviet Dispute

December 1, 1975 Evidence of a serious breakdown in China ... warfare. China's current openness to the United States, coming ... between China and the Soviet Union beginning in the late 1950s. Click here ...

Henry Kissinger and Mao Zedong "Memorandum of Conversation," November 12, 1973, 5:40-8:25pm

                                      People's Republic of China (There was informal conversation ... mao-zedong-henry-kissinger-1972-11-12.pdf Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Politics Tags:  Mao ...

Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong "Memorandum of Conversation," February 21, 1972, 2:50-3:55pm

Documents- US-China Topic:  Politics Tags:  Mao Zedong Nixon, Richard Zhou ...

Henry Kissinger and Mao Zedong "Memorandum of Conversation," February 17-18, 1973, 11:30pm-1:20am

                                      Peking (Beijing), People's Republic of China (At 11:00 p.m. ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Politics Tags:  Mao Zedong ...

Mao Zedong meets Richard Nixon, February 21, 1972

a say. You have been famous about your trips to China. Dr. Kissinger: ... the question of aggression from the United States or aggression from China ... came into office the different nature of revolution in China and the way ...
