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China's Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean

between China and Latin America, click here.   China's Policy Paper ... of PRC-issued white papers on various topics.     Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Economics Politics Tags:  foreign policy trade public ...

Barack Obama and Hu Jintao, Press Conference, January 19, 2011

countries is also good for China. China’s extraordinary economic growth has ... and balanced global economic recovery.  We agreed that in China, this means ... that China’s rise offers enormous economic opportunity.  We want to sell you all ...

Jimmy Carter and Deng Xiaoping, Exchange of Comments and Toasts at the White House, Jan. 29, 1979

the reestablishment of formal diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China on Jan. 1. ... of China has begun to move boldly toward modernization. You have chosen ... are glad that time is past. China is one of the nations to which ...

White House on Ma Victory, March 22, 2008

standing one China policy, our three Joint Communiqués with the People's Republic of China, and the Taiwan Relations Act. Section:  Documents ...

US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Directed by Hollywood, Edited by China," October 28, 2015

///////////////////// The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created ... Report Abstract China’s strict regulation of entertainment imports, ... commitments, as determined in a 2007 WTO decision calling for China to open its ...

Wang Yang, Jacob Lew, Yang Jiechi, and John Kerry, “Press Statements at US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue,” June 7, 2016

opportunity for China-U.S. to promote world economic growth. This remarks ... also contribute to China-U.S. economic relations. A healthy China ... understand economic developments, China has committed to improve economic data ...

PRC State Council, China’s Peaceful Development, September 6, 2011

economy has been achieved in China. A basic economic system in which public ... China has taken an active part in economic globalization and regional ... China has contributed over 10% to world economic growth every year ...

President Obama meets with the Dalai Lama, February 18, 2010

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press ... “The President met this morning at the White House with His Holiness ... and the protection of human rights for Tibetans in the People’s Republic of China ...

PRC State Council, Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang, September 24, 2015

Economic Relations and Trade Fairs and four China-Eurasia Expos. It has set ... September 24, 2015 Foreword China is a unified and multiethnic country. Xinjiang has been home to several of China's ethnic peoples ...

Vice President Biden and Secretary Kerry Co-Host a Luncheon for President Xi of the People’s Republic of China, September 25, 2015

President and the releases from the White House and our friends from China ... imagined that China will come this far in terms of economic and social ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Human rights ...
