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Tiananmen Square Document 31: Cable, What Happened on the Night of June 3/4?, 1989

than on Tiananmen Square itself. The document calls the notion ...

U.S.-China Relations: 15th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Crackdown, 2004

on this, the 15th, anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. ... in the region and the world. The tragedy of Tiananmen 15 years ago still casts ... of the mothers of Tiananmen victims who ask the government for an accounting ...

Tiananmen Square Document 3: Cable, More Student Demonstrations, 1985

The document also reports another incident, that the cables authors call "astonishing," which involved several hundred students from the Bejing Central College of Nationalities who were protesting the nuclear weapons testing program in Xinjiang ...

Tiananmen Square Document 4: Student Demonstrations Update, 1986

The cable notes how the recent spate of demonstrations provoked criticism from the Chinese government who warned that the adoption of "overly energetic methods" to express views could affect stability and interfere with societal functions. (Dece ...

Tiananmen Square Document 13: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 4, 1989, China: Troops Open Fire, 1989

The document describes how civilians turned out in massive numbers and fought for seven hours to prevent the troops from advancing on the square. ...

Tiananmen Square Document 16: Cable, China Task Force Situation Report No. 3- Situation as of 1700 EDT, 6/4/89, 1989

The State Department's China task force was busy updating other diplomatic and consular posts around the world on the situation in Beijing. (June 4, 1989) ...

Tiananmen Square Document 17: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 5, 1989, China: After the Bloodbath, 1989

By the morning of June 5 (Eastern Standard Time) the "severity of the assault" had become clear to U.S. officials. ...

Tiananmen Square Document 35: State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research, "China: Aftermath of the Crisis," 1989

This document, an intelligence research report, asks: "How did China get to this point?" (July 27, 1989) ...

U.S.-China People to People Exchanges Signing Ceremony, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2010 Clinton and Liu signed the initiative in a ceremony at the National Center for the Performing Arts near Beijing’s Tiananmen Square May 25. They were joined by more than 300 American and Chinese students, ...

U.S. Department of State, International Religious Freedom Report 2015 – China

of the Tiananmen Square incident. Other human rights defenders also face arbitrary ...
