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Tiananmen Square Document 30: Cable, Eyewitness Account of June 4 PLA Tank Crushing 11 Students and Related Early Morning Events in Tiananmen Square, 1989

June 22, 1989 This extraordinary document provides the detailed account of a source who witnessed firsthand the violence at Tiananmen Square on the night of June 3-4. The source indicated that the students had believed ...

Tiananmen Square Document 1: Cable, A Student Demonstration of Sorts in Tiananmen Square, 1985

Although the demonstration was apparently rather tepid, this document points to the possibility that "someone wanted to stir up trouble and embarrass the authorities." (November 21, 1985) ...

Tiananmen Square Document 14: Cable, SITREP No. 32: The Morning of June 4, 1989

morning June 4, as this cable reports, the PLA was in control Tiananmen ... and "a column of about 50 APC, tanks, and trucks entered Tiananmen from ... troops in Tiananmen opened a barrage of rifle and machine gun fire." ...

Tiananmen Square Document 15: Cable, SITREP No. 33, 1989

compound, moving west toward Tiananmen Square, reporting these movements back ... is a report, attributed to a Chinese-American who witnessed the Tiananmen Square ... was in the first APC to enter Tiananmen Square, in full view of the other waiting PLA ...

Tiananmen Square Document 6: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 10-87, China: Hu Yaobang Resigns, 1987

demonstrations." After his death in April 1989 students gathered in Tiananmen Square ... demonstration that occupied Tiananmen Square in the period preceding the crackdown ...

Statement by the Chairs on the 32nd Anniversary of the Violent Suppression of the Tiananmen Square Protests

of the Tiananmen Square protests and their violent suppression. “Today we honor ... of the victims, including the courageous Tiananmen Mothers, who are still seeking ... of Tiananmen is alive in China and everywhere freedom loving people gather. We ...

Sarah Sewell, Remarks at Tiananmen Square 25th Anniversary Event, June 4, 2014

in and around Tiananmen Square. Dr. He is an expert on the events of June 4, 1989, ... about the anniversary and her recent book, Tiananmen Exiles: Voices ... participated in the demonstrations, their family members, including the Tiananmen ...

Tiananmen Square Document 5: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 1-87, China: Student Demonstrations, 1987

January 2, 1987 Demonstrations continued into January 1987 when 3,000 students defied a government ban and staged a protest in the vicinity of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This intelligence summary from U.S. ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: Stability in China: Lessons from Tiananmen and Implications for the Untied States (Webcast)," May 15, 2014

3,000 people occupied Tiananmen Square on a hunger strike, surrounded ... to Tiananmen Square but was stopped by a human roadblock composed of thousands ... ten to twelve Army divisions closed on Tiananmen Square firing rifles, ...
