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Statement by the President Clinton on Most Favored Nation Status for China, 1993

demonstrators at Tiananmen square in June of 1989. Congress was determined to have ... and pro-democracy leaders, including some from Tiananmen Square, continue to languish ... in connection with Tiananmen Square. The Order includes China's protection ...

President Clinton and President Jiang Zemin 江泽民 News Conference in Beijing, 1998

for Tiananmen Square is a historic place. There, 100 years ago, China's quest ... in Tiananmen in 1989 and that he also told the history of the Tiananmen and told of the things that happened in Tiananmen. With regard to the political ...

President Clinton Press Conference on Human Rights in China, 1994

in Tiananmen Square, and I am also banning the import of munitions, principally ... relationships too quickly after Tiananmen Square, and there seemed to be no other ...