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Americans Nervous, but Overwhelmingly Favor Engagement with China

forces to aid Taiwan in the event of an attack from China and fewer still (19%) believe that a China – Taiwan confrontation threatened vital U.S. ...

Public Lecture, Book Signing & Reception with Susan Shirk

and Taiwan a minefield. Shirk argues that rising powers such as China tend ... Asia and Pacific Affairs, with responsibility for China, Taiwan, Hong ...

U.S. Department of Defense, Military and Security Developments involving the People’s Republic of China, 2018

VIS-A-VIS TAIWAN   China’s overall strategy continues to incorporate elements ... attitudes in Taiwan favoring independence. Taiwan lost an additional ... or observership to representatives from Taiwan. While China advocates for peaceful ...

"Shaping China's Choices: Some Recent Lessons for the Next U.S. Administration"- Thomas Christensen

leading up to this decade on bilateral issues: Taiwan, trade, human rights ... because of the arms sales to Taiwan and the arms sales to Taiwan ... that dialogue. In fact, the whole policy towards Taiwan on the mainland drives home ...

China and Uganda Issue Joint Communiqué, June 25, 2006

and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. The Ugandan side ... Taiwan", "Taiwan independence" in any form and Taiwan ... with Taiwan. The Ugandan side supports all the efforts made by the Chinese ...

Joint Statement Between The Government of the People's Republic of China and The Government of the Independent State of Samoa, May 9, 2005

the whole China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. ... Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan", "Taiwan independence" and Taiwan's accession into any international or regional ...

USC And China In The News, January and February 2017

C.L. Nikias and a USC delegation to Taiwan was highlighted ... population and alumni. Nikias said, “I see Taiwan as a strategic priority ... ties that exist between USC and Taiwan in the past 60 to 65 years...  ...

James A. Kelly, Assistant Secretary, speaks about The Future of U.S.-China Relations, 2001

differences. Taiwan is one; human rights another, particularly freedom ... straightforward about our interests, including our commitment to Taiwan's self-defense under the Taiwan Relations Act and to freedom of navigation ...

Austin and Harris, Japan and Greater China: Political Economy and Military Power in the Asian Century, 2001

States into a war would be in the Taiwan Strait or on the Korean peninsula. ... for Taiwan, and are investing more in the Republic of China than ... they would to a military incident in the Taiwan Strait or on the island itself. ...

Secretary Condoleeza Rice and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Beijing, Feb. 26, 2008

The Taiwan issue concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. ... of a referendum by the Taiwan authorities. On the U.S. side, Madame Secretary, you ... communiques and opposition to so-called Taiwan independence. We appreciate ...
