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John E. Wills, Jr. 1936-2017, Longtime USC China Studies Leader

at a symposium in March 2015 and plan to publish the papers presented then in his ...

Paul, ed., The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era, 2018

plan accordingly, China is also much better prepared to deal with any ...

Hubbert, China in the World: An Anthropology of Confucius Institutes, Soft Power and Globalization, 2019

foods rather than the elaborately planned Hanban activities, much ...

PRC State Council, Democratic Reform in Tibet – Sixty Years On, March 27, 2019

on formulating the 13th Five-year Plan of the Region, accelerating the construction ...

Wang Yi, The Right Direction in China-US Relations, July 9, 2020

said they plan to make more investment here. Recently, 191 agricultural ...

Talking Points, November 24- 30, 2011

via “ Tommy Cam.” USC alumni clubs across the globe are planning ...

Love on the Cloud: The Rise of Online Dating in China

planning and catering, personal finance and physical stores. Users ...

Daniel Kritenbrink and Ely Ratner, Testimony on the U.S. Partnership with Taiwan, Dec. 8, 2021

capabilities that complicate PRC planning and to implement necessary defense ...

Assignment: China- USCI's series on American reporting on China

The press also paid attention to the new family planning policy ...

Jimmy Carter and Deng Xiaoping, Exchange of Comments and Toasts at the White House, Jan. 29, 1979

into the planning and outfitting of nuclear submarines. And when I later returned ...
