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2011-2012 USCI Faculty Research Grants

to allow more time to refine the films. Plans are underway to air ...

United Nations Charter 1945

referred to in Article 47, plans to be submitted to the Members ... The strength and degree of readiness of these contingents and plans ... Council with the assistance of the Military Committee. Article 46 Plans ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Democratic People's Republic of Korea March 11, 2010

Against Women submitted in 2002, "family planning is mapped out ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Laos March 11, 2010

Master Plan and began implementing its provisions. Arrest Procedures ... minority groups, to lowland areas under its plan to end opium production ... the resettlement plan called for compensating farmers for lost land and providing ...

PRC Foreign Ministry, The State of Democracy in the United States, Dec. 5, 2021

of massive economic stimulus plans, among other factors, has caused port ... planned to instigate “color revolution” in Moldova. The “Arab Spring” ...

The Rise of Homeowners’ Associations and Changing Neighborhood Governance in Urban China

functions, such as neighborhood safety, family planning and social welfare ...

Through Tinted Lenses?- Video from the conference exploring how Americans and Chinese see each other

has carried out research and brainstormed about planning choices ...

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on U.S.-China economic ties, October 23, 2007

these include financial market liberalization and a plan for rebalancing growth. ...

Thomas Christensen and James Swan, "China in Africa: Implications for U.S. Policy," June 4, 2008

Dialogue,” which addresses bilateral and global economic issues. We also plan ...

Mao Zedong meets Richard Nixon, February 21, 1972

It was the President who set the direction and worked out the plan. President Nixon: He ...
