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Lan, "The national development and civic education in Taiwan," 2003

the new curriculum into the traditional school administrative environment ...

Yu, "Political party transformation in the context of nation-state democratization: The case of the Kuomintang (KMT) in Taiwan," 1997

of a competitive political environment or weaken from within, succumbing to internal ...

Yeh, "A national score: Popular music and Taiwanese cinema," 1995

an unequivocal Chinese identity? How did historical environments ...

Kwei, "An elderly perspective: A case study of elderly residents' preferences and opinions on housing in various communities in Beijing," 2009

to housing and their environment as they age that might help inform policy ...

Haarman, Shanghai (Urban Public) Space, 2009

environment in Shanghai and thus sets the context for the book. The second ... to interrogate the meanings behind different elements of the built environment ... Koolhaas, within the context of the rapidly transforming built environment ...

How immigrants give American companies a powerful boost against Chinese rivals

and political environments. Few Chinese companies can do the same. This gives ... to local fixers to navigate challenging environments. But establishing trust ... environment. We gathered information on the strength of companies’ social ...

America Is Losing the Second Space Race to China

Dominating the vast and dynamic environment of space will require revolutionary ...

PRC State Council, 13th Five Year Plan for the Economic and Social Development of China, 2016

and the Environment Part XI All-Around Opening Up Part XII Deeper Cooperation between ...

Video: What’s Next In The US-China Economic Relationship?

energy and environment, and corporate governance and social responsibility. ...

Xiaoxing Xi on Defending Chinese Researchers

scientists face and the immediate threat to the open environment in fundamental ...
