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Joint Statement of the 7th China-EU Summit, December 9, 2004

as environment and sustainable development. The EU side expressed its wish to see ...

China's Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean

and the Caribbean in aeronautics and astronautics, bio-fuel, resources and environment ...

Ma Ying-jeou, Presidential Inauguration Address, May 20, 2008

in the government. We will endeavor to create an environment that is humane, rational ...

Additional Articles to the Constitution of the Republic of China Sixth Revision April 24, 2000

The State shall guarantee insurance, medical care, obstacle-free environments ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, “Detentions Of Foreign Journalists Widespread Before Olympics,” August 8, 2006

to ensure that a more open media environment will be one of the lasting ...

Asst. Sec. Charles H. Rivkin, “Building a Dynamic U.S.-China Film Relationship,” September 5, 2014

create a new environment for doing business that allows for continued ...

Sec. John Kerry, “Remarks at the Consultation on People-to-People Exchange Plenary Session,” July 10, 2014

particularly proud of the fact that there are many foreign ministers, environment ...

Kurt Campbell, Principles of U.S. Engagement in the Asia-Pacific, Jan. 21, 2010

defining the new international environment, the United States must enhance ...

Timothy Geithner, The United States and China, Cooperating for Recovery and Growth, May 31, 2009

cooperate to assure that the global trade and investment environment remains ...

U.S. State Department, 2019 Hong Kong Policy Act Report, March 21, 2019

online environment remained unfettered. Freedom of expression of members ...
