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H.Con.Res. 73 – China/Olympics, 2001

and recommends that the Congressional-Executive Commission on China created by H.R. ... on pressuring China to release all political prisoners and to ratify the Covenant ... and others engaged in a human rights dialogue with China; requests ...

U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David McCormick, “Financial Turmoil and the Global Economy,” October 22, 2008

accelerating their economic growth and cushioning themselves against external ... emerging markets like China are not immune from the global financial stress. ... and China. Root Causes of the Market Turmoil How did we get to this point? ...

Remarks by Treasury Under Secretary David H. McCormickon China’s Journey to Environmentally Sustainable Growth at the West Coast Leadership Dialogue, Jan. 2008

of California's total electrical consumption last year. China's rapid economic ... with the Chinese government in the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue, ... and improve China's water quality. In research and development, we would ...

U.S. Deputy Asst. Secretary of State Patricia McNerney, “China’s Nonproliferation Practices,” May 20, 2008

the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Washington, DC Chairman Reinsch, Commissioner Brookes, Commissioners of the U.S.-China Economic ... ’s economic reform. We simply do not know enough about China’s export control ...

Premier Zhu's Interview with Peter Kann, 1999

relations and cooperation between China and the United States. However, before ... the US decided to table a draft human rights resolution condemning China ... a lot of indignation in China. And still another issue is related ...

Thomas Christensen and James Swan, "China in Africa: Implications for U.S. Policy," June 4, 2008

for economic development there, which is a goal we share with China and many ... States Government. China’s economic and commercial engagement in Africa has ... that will be repaid in cobalt and copper from Congolese mines. China’s economic ...

Central Intelligence Agency, Two CIA Prisoners in China, 2006 and 2010

50, No. 4). Two CIA Prisoners in China, 1952–73 Extraordinary Fidelity ... few know about today. Shot down over Communist China on their first ... of China in 1949. In accordance with US policies, CIA took steps to exploit ...

Robert Hormats, Addressing the Challenges of the China Model, May 11, 2011

on the emerging “China Model” of economic growth. This discussion is particularly ... is emerging—‘state capitalism’. China’s economic policies are an example of this new ... which many in China saw as validation of its own economic growth policies. ...

House Foreign Affairs Committee, "Beijing as an Emerging Power in the South China Sea," September 12, 2012

Documents- US-China Documents- Contemporary China Faculty Topic:  Economics ... for the opportunity to share my views on China’s maritime strategy and what it means for the future of the South China Sea. In my judgment, China's recent ...

Deng Xiaoping, "Interview with Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes," Sept. 2, 1986

with regard to China, so we still have to wait and see. Wallace: Have you ever ... in negotiations with China to bring an end to the difficulties between Vietnam and China. Deng: Vietnam has said that at least a hundred times. We have told ...
