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2009-2010 USCI Faculty Research Grants

如何形成对中国城市的基于问题的分类研究 Urbanization in China impacts US-China trade, global warming, and emerging socio-economic trends affecting both nations. This research planning ... August 25, 2011 Faculty Research Project Abstracts Eric Heikkila- ...

New Acquisition: Bill Einreinhofer China Archive

of research, and incorporates images of China at the collapse of the Qing ... and daily life in modern China between the years 1910 and 2022. Featuring ... Einreinhofer China Archive  emerged from a series of public television ...

Election ’08 and the Challenge of China- USCI Documentary

October 6, 2008 “China has and will continue to have a tremendous ... Randt, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to China Responding to the rise of China ... The range of issues is daunting. On the economic front, bilateral ties have ...