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Brooks, Japan's Imperial Diplomacy: Consuls, Treaty Ports, and War in China 1895-1938, 2000

of Gaimusho China Service Diplomats [Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein ... on China service diplomats. Brooks employs a variety of primary sources, ... and lower-ranked China service diplomats. These sources show incontrovertibly ...

China and Japan Issue Joint Press Communiqué, 2006

of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Prime Minister ... of China from 8 to 9 October 2006. President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Wu Bangguo of the Standing Committee ...

Clements, Wellington Koo: China (Makers of the Modern World), 2008.

January 1, 2008 Jonathan Clements. Wellington Koo: China (Makers ... diplomacy. Koo's extraordinary career spans forty years of China ... was "mixed up with every major crisis in China's international relations ...

China-Japan Joint Press Communiqué, 2007

basis on international occasions. 2) China-Japan high-level economic ... They affirmed the importance of the two economies and China-Japan economic ... in promoting China's economic development and Japan-China economic ...

Zhenping, Ambassadors from the Islands of Immortals: China-Japan Relationships in the Han-Tang Period, 2005.

of Immortals: China-Japan Relationships in the Han-Tang Period. Honolulu: ... by contentious powers in Japan and Korea seeking recognition from China. Chapter ... to China" and chapter 5 on the "Journey to Changan" recall for us ...

Elleman, Wilson and China: A Revised History of the Shandong Question, 2002

December 31, 2002 Bruce A. Elleman. Wilson and China: A Revised ... College. Published by: H-US-Japan (June, 2003)   China ... of 1919 As China attempts to emerge as a superpower, recovering from ...

Message From the United States President to the Emperor of Japan, 1941

for a termination of the present conflict between Japan and China. We have hoped ... into Northern French Indo-China for the protection of Japanese troops which were operating against China further north. And this Spring and Summer the Vichy ...