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New Nasdaq Restrictions Affecting Listing of Chinese Companies, June 4, 2020

Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Politics Security Custom Thumbnail:  ... practices in China-based companies. To protect American investors and U.S. ...

Tiananmen Square Document 32: Cable, TFCH01: SITREP No. 65, June 27, 1700 Local, 1989 Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Human rights Politics Security Economics Tags:  military u.s. leaders trade Custom ...

U.S. Department of State, "2005 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report," March 2005

Summary The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a major factor ... a major concern as the People's Republic of China (PRC) restructures ... capital flows into China throughout 2004. Hong Kong-registered companies ...

Donald Trump, Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Fi- nance Communist Chinese Military Companies, November 12, 2020

Section:  Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Security Tags:  executive ... the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), ... States of America, find that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) ...

PRC Ministry of Commerce 中国商务部,关于中美经贸关系的研究报告,2017年5月25日

Section:  Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Tags:  trade Custom ...

Sec. John Kerry, “Remarks at AmCham APEC CEO Reception,” Nov. 8, 2014

Documents Documents- US-China Documents- US-Asia Topic:  Politics Economics ... MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 AMBASSADOR BAUCUS: (In progress) so much on the economics. And basically, made the point that if we get the economics part right, that's ...

Sec. John Kerry, “Press Availability in Beijing,” Nov. 8, 2014

Documents Documents- US-China Documents- US-Asia Topic:  Economics Politics ... on the sidelines of the APEC conference with Foreign Minister Wang Yi of China ... economic integration and on strengthening connectivity and infrastructure ...

U.S. Department of State, 2008 Human Rights in Taiwan, Feb. 25, 2009

Department report on human rights in China and other countries, U.S. Secretary ... of the service to qualifying defendants. On December 29, the LAF announced that in addition to its existing 20 branches, which serviced all 23 cities ...

Qian Yingyi: Remarks at the 57th plenary meeting of G30

that China was so advanced a thousand years ago made economic historian David ... that will be useful for the discussions on the current economic issues concerning China ... April 26, 2007 Qian Yingyi, Dean of the School of Economics ...

Sec. John Kerry, “Remarks at the Consultation on People-to-People Exchange Plenary Session,” July 10, 2014

a beautiful saying in China: (In Chinese.) (Laughter.) Follow the past, herald ... of sending 100,000 American students to China by 2014. We are meeting ... to conduct agricultural research. And that same man returned there two years ...
