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Murray Fromson, almost a China story

wanted to visit and report from China. And he was accustomed to dealing ... Russians on their impressions of Nixon’s trip to China. Soviet authorities ... Assignment:China series. Some portions of that interview are included in the China ...

PT faculty help China prepare for 2008

will be fewer and far between when China goes for the gold in 2008. More than 11,000 competitors will converge on mainland China for the Summer Olympics in August 2008, with several hundred athletes competing for the China team ...

Economic Growth in China Has Not Meant Greater Life Satisfaction For Chinese People

at the beginning of China’s economic transformation, a large majority of Chinese ... country than China to test these expectations,” said Easterlin, University ... in China of the magnitude that might have been expected due to the enormous ...

New England Merchants, the China Trade, and the Origins of California

that I am researching early American trade with China. She suggested ... "China." Between collections donated after the bibliographies were written ... under "China" (but listed under "tea trade," ...

Creating Networks and Research Collaborations in China

is to summarize activities that were funded by the USC U.S.—China Institute and were ... The focus in each location was on religious expression in China, both ... a brief visit to the south-eastern region of China (interviewing ...

Video: China's Challenge to Mexico's Maquiladora Industry

trade and investment in the NAFTA bloc following China’s 2001 entry ... for China-Mexico Studies, UNAM, Mexico City Click here to view the presentation. Dr. ...

NEW COURSE- Water and Energy Management in China: Market Forces and Socialist Ideology

whole planet looks like tomorrow. How does China allocate important ... to environmental management practices in China – a historically socialist country ...

Qin, "The decisions of migration and remittances in rural China," 2007

August 21, 2009 Qi Qin, Ph.D Abstract (Summary) Using recent household survey data from rural China, this dissertation investigates ... the agricultural productivity in rural China. Remittances from migrants bring ...

Feng, "Using GPS and videography to assess exposure of teenagers to tobacco outlets in Chengdu, China," 2006

August 21, 2009 Guanjun Feng, M.S Abstract (Summary) The pilot study, undertaken in Chengdu, China, in Summer 2005, focuses on the spatial ... cohort of the China Seven City Study (CSCS). We trained 30 data collectors ...

Wang, "Socioeconomic determinants of fertility in rural China," 1996

August 26, 2009 Haitao Wang, M.S. Abstract (Summary) Estimates of the socioeconomic determinants of fertility in rural China are presented using ... determinants of fertility in rural China. Education, occupation, women's ...
