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Congressional Research Service, “North Korean Refugees in China and Human Rights Issues: International Response and U.S. Policy Options, “ September 26, 2007

in China and Human Rights Issues | Negotiations over North Korea's ... Summary North Koreans have been crossing the border into China, many ... currently live in China (some non-governmental organizations estimate ...

China's Role in the World: Is China a Responsible Stakeholder? 2006

broad range of issues in which we believe China and the U.S. have common ... engage China on economic issues through such annual meetings as our Joint ... meet with China regularly to discuss non-proliferation issues ...

John Kerry and Wang Yi, Joint Press Conference, January 27, 2016

of cross-straits relations. On the South China Sea issue, I pointed out to Secretary ... China is a large country and our position on this issue is transparent ... in themselves. The key is to really resolve the issue. For many years, China has ...

Wampler, ed. Trilateralism and Beyond: Great Power Politics and the Korean Security Dilemma during and after the Cold War, 2011

Russia/Soviet Union (USSR), and China. Since the end of the Korean War, ... elections in 1987 (p. 68). Ironically, the best way to aid the military ... on larger issues, though Chinworth, Michishita, and Yoon are less sanguine, ...

President Bush Meets with President of China, 2003

talked about a lot of important issues. We talked about the issue of trade. ... countries benefit from trade. I congratulated China on its recent space ... Korean nuclear issue. We both agreed that the economic cooperation ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China's Proliferation Practices and the Challenge of North Korea," July 24, 2003

AND SPEAKER HASTERT: On behalf of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ... 2003 examining China’s proliferation policies and practices in the post ... served as an issue of contention for many years, the quality of its ...

Goldstein, Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry (March 31, 2015)

an issue the Chinese Navy explicitly embraces. China should respond ... September 15, 2015 Lyle J. Goldstein.  Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry.  Washington, DC  Georgetown ...

Remarks at Press Availability, Secretary Clinton July 23, 2010

is that what is your comments about how the South China Sea or East Sea issue ... for credible elections including releasing all political prisoners, especially ... forth my government’s position on an issue that implicates the security ...

U.S. Pres. Bush on U.S.-Asia Relations, August 7, 2008

with our allies' elected leaders. Who could ever forget the trip ... on Earth. We've partnered closely with Indonesia's freely elected ... to approach North Korea with a unified front. So America joined with China ...

Hong Lei, China's Response to the Yeonpyeong Island Incident, November 25, 2010

China's position on the issue is consistent and clear. Q: According ... on the situation on the Peninsula and related issues. China believes that under ... China had any communication with the DPRK on the issue? A: China stays ...
