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Video: Nick Cull Examines How Covid-19 Has Affected World Leadership

May 29, 2020

USC Annenberg Professor Nick Cull looks at the impact of the Covid 19 crisis on the battle of images between the United States and China.

Video: Conversation with Gary Reischel

May 22, 2020

Gary Rieschel, founder of Qiming Venture Partners, takes a look at how innovative China has been and how the US-China rivalry may spur or stifle innovation.

Video: Conversation with David Barboza

May 18, 2020

Award-winning New York Times journalist David Barboza talks about the challenges of reporting on China.

What's At Stake In Xinjiang

May 11, 2020

A symposium featuring a distinguished panel of specialists to discuss Uyghur beliefs and Chinese government policies in the region. 

Video: Julia Strauss Compares Post-1949 China And Taiwan

May 11, 2020

Julia Strauss discusses on the period 1949 to 1954 and compares how the Communist Party in China and the Nationalist Party in Taiwan sought to consolidate their authority and foster economic development.


Video: Tom Narins on Sovereignty and the Belt and Road Initiative

April 23, 2020

Professor Tom Narins from the University at Albany (SUNY Albany) on how the Belt and Road Initiative illustrates ways that sovereignty works that conventional international relations fail to account for. 

Video: Dexter Roberts on the myth of Chinese capitalism

April 20, 2020

Dexter Roberts's new book explores the reality behind today’s financially-ascendant China and pulls the curtain back on how the Chinese manufacturing machine is actually powered.


Video: Teng Biao on human rights in China

March 16, 2020

Legal scholar and well-known human rights activist Teng Biao gave a talk at USC on the state of human rights in China.

Video: Cara Wallis on social media in contemporary China

March 16, 2020

Prof. Cara Wallis of Texas A&M University delivered the annual Walt Fisher Lecture at the USC Annenberg School of Communication.

Video: Jeff Wasserstrom on the history of protests in Hong Kong

February 6, 2020

In this illustrated presentation, Prof. Wasserstrom puts events since the 1997 Handover and particularly since the 2014 Umbrella Movement into comparative and historical perspective.
