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PRC National Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Communiqué of the People’s Republic of China on the 2011 National Economic and Social Development, February 22, 2012

Official Chinese government statistics on China’s economy.
February 22, 2012

In 2011, faced with the complicated and volatile domestic and international economic environment, under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the people of all nationalities of China, taking Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” as the guidance, the scientific development as the theme and the transformation of economic development mode as the mainline, carried out the package of plans and policies aiming at strengthening and improving the macro control. As a result, national economic performance maintained steady and rapid development, all social undertakings achieved new progress, and a good start was achieved for the Twelfth Five-Year Period.

For full data report, click here.
