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2020 teacher opportunities

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Iris Marin
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2020 teacher opportunities

1. 2020 Korean Research Trip. June 30 – July 11, 2020. Application deadline: January 15, 2020. World History Digital Education seeks social studies teachers, staff developers, and supervisors to take part in a research trip to South Korea showcasing the challenges, outcomes, and legacies of the Korean War. Participants will also take part in pre-trip webinars, readings, and discussion; following the trip, they will develop a lesson and present it to other educators. Applications are due January 15, 2020.

2. 2020 Keizai Koho Center Study Tour to Japan. June 22-30, 2020 (tentative). Application deadline: January 15, 2020. This study tour for middle and high school educators aims to deepen participants’ understanding of Japan and contribute to international mutual understanding across the Pacific. Participants interact with Japanese students, teachers, scholars, and business leaders and enjoy traditional and contemporary Japanese culture.

3. USS Midway Museum 2020 Summer Institutes. Application deadline: March 8, 2020. The USS Midway Museum in San Diego is hosting two summer institutes in 2020. Midway Institute.

  • The Cold War, Korea and Vietnam. June 28 – July 11, 2020.
  • World War II in the Pacific: Clash of Nations and Perspectives. July 12-18, 2020.