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2013 NCTA Study Tour to Japan

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2013 NCTA Study Tour to Japan

Hi Folks,

The Five College Center for East Asian Studies is organizing 2013 NCTA Study Tour and is accepting applications for a national NCTA Exploring Peace Studies in Japan Study Tour. Any educator who has completed a 30-hour NCTA seminar is welcome to apply. Tentative dates are June 20-July 2, 2013, the cost is $500, and the application deadline is February 15, 2013. The study tour information and application form may be downloaded from the FCCEAS website. Funding for this study tour is pending at this time; please see the application form for more information on how this impacts the application process.

Click here to download the application. This is a tremendous opportunity for anyone who has completed a seminar and has not previously gone on an NCTA study tour. Anne Prescott and John Frank will lead the tour.