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2013 Damodar R.SarDesai Prize for BEST LESSON PLAN ON SOUTH ASIA $1,000 Honorarium

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2013 Damodar R.SarDesai Prize for BEST LESSON PLAN ON SOUTH ASIA $1,000 Honorarium

The Damodar R. Sar Desai Prize recognizes effective teaching of India and South Asia in K-12 History-Social Science classrooms.

The Yadunandan Center at CSU Long Beach offers a prize of $1,000 to the best lesson plan submitted that deals with the politics or culture of South Asia in history or in the contemporary world.
Transportation costs will be covered so the winner can accept the prize in person at the Yadunandan Center's annual Uka and Nalini Solanki Lecture, April 24, 2013, delivered by Shankar Vedantam.
The winning lesson plan and a profile of the author will be posted on the Center's website.
Lessons will be reviewed by The History Project staff, based on the following criteria.

Lesson requirements
• Lesson will be judged on overall quality in terms of depth of content related to South Asia & appropriate use of pedagogical strategies
• Lesson should be between one and three classroom periods in length
• Lesson must follow a standard lesson plan format
• Application must include all materials related to the lesson
• A rubric for the lesson plan is provided on the Yadunandan Center's website:

Other details
• Applicant must be a current K-12 classroom teacher
• Entry should be accompanied by the applicant's name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address, as well as the name and address of the school in which the applicant is employed on a separate page before the beginning of the lesson plan
• The name or any other identifying information about the applicant should not appear on the lesson plan itself
• Applicants should include a statement that the essay is his or her own work

• Send the complete lesson in a single Word or PDF file to

For more information, please contact
Dave Neumann

All submissions are due March 1, 2013
edited by Ying Jia on 2/1/2013