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What is Korean Pop Culture and How Did They Become Popular?

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Antonette Pelaez
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What is Korean Pop Culture and How Did They Become Popular?


                                                                         LESSON PLAN # 1- Secondary Level


Subject/ Course: History Name: Antonette Pelaez                         Grade: 9th                                             Date: Jan 12, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                             Time: 90 minutes

Topic/Key Question: What is Korean pop culture and how did they become popular?

Materials Needed (May vary depending on how students wish to present their group work)• Internet access

• Laptop computers
• Projector/ slides for lesson


• Students will identify various Kpop groups
• Students will research about the origins of Kpop culture
• Students will analyze the events on how the group became a global phenomenon• Students will orally present information using appropriate technology


Lesson Plan

  • Form small groups of students (3-5 per group).

  • Students brainstorm to find out what they know about Kpop culture.

  • Students research what makes Kpop culture so popular.

  • Students create a script from which each member of the group is able to present the topic, ask questions and feedback.

  • Teacher’s Note

  •  Ask students to collect responses so that they can reflect at the end of the experience.

  • Assessment

    • Students communication amongst group members• Students reflect on creative process

    • Observe participation of students and engagement with peers in group work