Maria Cardenas
6th Grade Social Studies
John Muir Middle School
Two Koreas-Curriculum Project
Summer 2020
Ancient China Vs. North Korea (Compare and Contrast)
Link: I am providing the link for the lesson that can be found in google docs.
This curriculum project consists of a 5-day lesson about ancient China the Qin Dynasty. Students will compare and contrast the Qin Dynasty to North Korea. Students will already have prior knowledge about ancient China before the Qin Dynasty. Students may know a bit about North Korea (basically what they see in the news). The standards for 6th grade only include Ancient China. The students will have activities to do that deal with geography So this project will compare and contrast the Ancient China (the past) to North Korea (present). The final outcome would be a paragraph response stating who was the better leader Qin Shihuangdi or Kim II Sung.
6.6: Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of China.
6.6.5: Students will list the policies and achievements of the emperor Shi Huangdi in unifying northern China under the Qin Dynasty.
Day 1: Geography
Students will be able to locate China and North Korea on a map and list geographical features for both countries have.
1. Do Now:
1. Locate China and North Korea on the map. (Highlight or Labeled each country a different color)
2. What do you know about each country?
North Korea:
2. Map Activity: China and North Korea
Whole Group: We will work together to state three geographical features of Ancient China. Since we will work together students will know what to expect when they are answering the question for North Korea.
Maps Questions
(Holt: World History: Ancient Civilizations pg. 183)
What are three geographical features of Ancient China?
Why do you think it is important Ancient China has does geographical features?
What are three geographical features of North Korea?
Why do you think it is important Ancient China has does geographical features?
3. Exit Slip: What are two similarities and differences between Ancient China and North Korea? Why do you think it is important that both countries are surrounded by water?
Day 2:
1. Students will be able to determine the meaning of words about Ancient China and North Korea.
2. Students will be able to list the policies and achievements of the emperor Shi Huangdi in unifying northern China under the Qin Dynasty.
1. DO NOW: The Great Wall of China
1. Analyze the Image: What do you notice?
Impact: World History & Geography textbook (6th grade) pg. 304
2. Why do you think China built the Great Wall of China?
We will discuss what students see from the image. Students will share why they believe the Great Wall of China was built. I would guide them to realize the wall was built for defense. “Construction separate defensive walls that would become the Great Wall of China began around the 600s B.C.E. The guard towers of the Great Wall of China allow guards to see threats from great distances. Guards could then use signal fires to communicate along the length of the wall.” (pg.304)
2. Kim’s Vocabulary: Students will use the glossary from the textbook to define the words. Found in the google docs
Key Word
1. Unify
Memory Clue/Picture
Key Word
2. Censors
Memory Clue/Picture
Key Word
3. Currency
Memory Clue/Picture
3. Read the Qin Emperor
Textbook: Impact: World History & Geography textbook (6th grade) pg. 304
Whole group we will read pg. 305-306: The Qin Emperor and How did Qin Change China? Together we will begin to fill out the government portion of the diagram. The other two categories students will complete on their own.
a. Fill in this diagram about the efforts of Qin Shi Huangdi to unify China. (Impact online guided Reading)
b. Inferring How would a simplified writing system help unify a country? (Impact online guided reading).
Students will finish reading pg. 306 with a partner to complete the cause and effect chart.
c. Cause and Effect: What caused the end of the Qin Dynasty?
4. Exit Slip: Who was Qin Shi Huangdi? Why was he important?
Day 3:
Objectives: Students will be able to list the limits placed on North Korea and achievements of Kim II Sung.
1. Do Now: Students will analyze the image
Grabbed from the video from Session 1 (July 9) - 1945-1994: Kim Il Sung (Professor Jennifer Jung)
What do you see?
What do you know about North Korea?
What do you think is the importance of Kim II Sung?
2. Andrei Lankov, The Real North Korea: Life and Politics in the Failed Stalinist Utopia, rev. ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015),)
Whole Group: We will read “The Command Society” pgs.34-40As a class we will start listing the limits Kim ll Sung placed on North Korean citizens.
3. Partner work: Students will read Heonik’s the first 3 pages.
Heonik Kwon and Byung-Ho Chung, “North Korea’s Partisan Family State,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, vol 10, issue 28, no. 1, July 9, 2012,
Students will be able to list and explain the achievement of Kim II Sung in his rule of North Korea.
List Achievement
Explain Importance of Achievement
4. Exit Slip: Students will have to research about the limitations and achievements of Kim II Sung’s North Korea. Students can add to the graphic organizer provided for this lesson.
Day 4:
Objectives: Students will be able to compare and contrast the Qin Dynasty to Kim II Sung’s rule.
1. Do Now: Read the following paragraph from the U.S. Department of State:
Why do you think Kim II Sung committed these types of crimes?
2. Graphic Organizer: Qin Shihuangdi Vs. Kim II Sung
Qin Shihuangdi
Kim II Sung
As a whole group we will review the Venn diagram and students will share their ideas.
3. Exit Slip: Based on everything you know. Why would you have wanted to live under the leadership of Qin Shihuangdi (Qin Dynasty) or Kim II Sung (North Korea)? Write a paragraph and maker sure you include evidence from the text.
Day 5:
Objectives: Students will be able to write a minimum of one paragraph response answering who they believe was a better leader: Shi Huangdi or Kim II Sung.
1. Do Now: Based on this week lessons. Who was a better leader, Shi Huangdi or Kim II Sung? Why? Write your response in a complete sentence and make sure you include a reason to support your opinion (Claim).
Once you are done. Go comment on two of your classmate’s response and respectfully agree or disagree and make sure you state why.
2. Model(Review) & Brainstorm: I will model and review the expectations for Ace and give an example of what I want students to create. Students will be given time to Brainstorm and decide whether they want to use the reason they stated in their Do NOW.
3. ACE Writing Frame: Students will complete the Ace Writing Frame to answer the question.
Question: Who was a better leader, Shi Huangdi or Kim II Sung? Why?
Flip the question into an answer
___________ was a better leader because
Cite evidence from text
(*Choose one of the sentence starters, and remember this means to quote)
According to the text,
The author wrote,
In the text it says,
On page _ it says,
Explain why/how the evidence supports your answer
Cite evidence from text
(*Choose one of the sentence starters, and remember this means to quote)
According to the text,
The author wrote,
In the text it says,
On page _ it says,
Explain why/how the evidence supports your answer
4. Paragraph Response: Students will write/type their response from the ACE Writing Frame into a paragraph in google docs. Make sure you give your paragraph a title: