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Qin Huang, Mandarin teacher, Draft Unit

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Qin Huang, Mandarin teacher, Draft Unit

Unit: Chinese New Year
Stage 1,Mandarin
Lesson 1
Cultural lesson
Hiss! Pop! Boom!
– an overview of Chinese New Year
Estimated Time: 80 Minutes
General Goal: Students will have a general understanding of the cultural activities and importance of Chinese New Year.
Students will be able to:
1. gain a brief understanding of the importance (cultrual perspective) of Chinese New Year among Chinese communities around the world.
2. name the cultural actities (cultrual practice), food and artifact (cultural product) people have during Chinese New Year and explain why.

Required Materials
children's literature: Hiss! Pop! Boom! Celebrating Chinese New Year. ThingsAsian Press, Morrissery/Lee.
Window pane chart
chalk talk charts with teacher pre-made questions
Anticipatory set:
Teacher will dispaly Chinese New Year related artifacts in class. Songs of Chinese New Year will be played to students as they walk into the classroom.

A. Chalk talk (15 minutes)
1. Students will be assigned into grops of four. Teacher will already have posted chart paper on wall of the classroom. Stdents are asked to answer the questions teachers posted.
2. Each studnets will have a mark to contribute to the answer.
3. Teacher will use a bell to signal students to move to next questions.
[font=Times, serif]Questions on the charts:[/font]
a. What do people eat during Chinese New Year? Why?
b. When do people celebrate Chinese New Year? Why?
c. What do people do on the New Year's Eve? Why?
d. What color do people wear during Chinese New Year? Why?

B. window pane (30 minutes)
1. Students emind in their groups and are given a short reading (copied from the children's literature) to read. It is a timed reading. At the end, they are asked to produce 6 drawings in their window pane chart to summaize the reading. (15 minutes)
2. Students are asked to present their window pane in groups.

C. KWL chart
1. Students and teacher will compelte a KWL together to review what is learned in today's lesson.

Guided Practice
Window pane, KWL chart.

Independent Practice
Window pane, chalk talk.

Students will then go back to their chalk talk chart to add their new knowledge.

Unit: Chinese New Year
Stage 1,Mandarin
Lesson 2
cultural and language
Color 1
[font=Times, serif]Estimated Time: 80 Minutes[/font]
General Goal: Students will know about color and its significance in Chinese Culture
Students will be able to
1. Understand that colors are used to express emotions and feelings
2. Understand that same colors may have different cultural meaning in certain culture
3. Understand that there are some colors considered lucky in Chinese culture
4. Say yellow, red, green, white, black, red and blue in Mandarin.

Target Vocabulary
yellow, red, green, white, black, red and blue
[font=Times, serif]
[font=Times, serif]Required Materials[/font]
1. picture files
2. realias (fruits of the colors mentioned above)

Anticipatory set:
Teacher will display the book, China The Five Elements on her table.

a. Culture class on color
1. Teacher asks students to come up with some color related idioms in English. Students explain the meaning of the idioms and the usage of colors in them.
2. Teacher shows the China The Five Elements book to the class.
3. Students are in their groups to conclude the cultural meaning of colors.

b. Language class
1. Teacher teaches the class the 6 colors in Mandarin using TPR, realias.

Checking for understanding
Can student follow the instruction in Mandarin
Can students hold up the right color paper when teacher ask them to do so

Guided Practice
Teacher walks around when groups are at work.
Teacher use picture file as an exit slip.

[font=Times, serif]Independent Practice[/font]
Students finish learning log on their own. Students say words (the colors they learn in class) as an exit slip.

Color "blocks" (right after whole class teaching on colors)
1. Students will follow teacher's verbal direction placing color paper on their desk.
2. Teacher models the process and projects the result when students finishing placing all the paper.
3. Students will work in pair, give each other directions using the color in Mandarin.

[font=Times, serif]Closure[/font]
Students finish self-evaluation chart
Teacher checks students prounciaton at the door.

Unit: Chinese New Year
Stage 1,Mandarin
Lesson 3
art and music
Color 2
[font=Times, serif]Estimated Time: 80[/font]
General Goal: Students will review the colors in Mandarin. Students will be introduced to the writing (characters) of the colors.
students will be able to:
1. understand that Beijing opera is form of Chinese art. Masks of Beijing Opera its signature art piece.
2. understand that different color on the masks have different cultural meaning.
3. make and design a mask and explain their usage of color as expression.
4. decode the Chinese Opera Mask song, read it in Mandarin characters and sing it with the help of Pinyin.
Target Vocabulary and song
opera mask, colors, Song "Shuo Chang Lian Pu"

Required Materials
1. two real opera masks, pictures of opera masks.
2. blank opera mask printed on construction paper.
3. lyric of song, Shuo Chang Lian Pu, with Pinyin.
4. paint, glue sticks

Anticipatory Set
Teacher will display the mask on her table and project a mask paint on the white board. Students are asked to name the colors used on the mask in Mandarin.
[font=Times, serif]
[font=Times, serif]Instruction:[/font]
A. Beijing opera and its mask (20 minutes)
1. A short video will be played to students. Students are asked to work in groups with produce window pane drawing to summarize the video.
2. As students present their window pane in groups, teacher will write down and highlight the main point of the finding.
B. Art (40 minutes)
1. Students will be provided with art supplies and templet of the mask. They will work in groups to design and make their masks.
2. At the end of the art project, a class wide gallery walk will be held to vote for the top 10 masks.
C. Music lesson (20)
1. Students will work in groups to decode the lyrics with the help of Pinyin.
2. Students learn to the sing the song, Shuo Chang Lian Pu.

Guided Practice
Teacher walks around when groups are at work. Window pane.

Independent Practice
Students design and make their masks. Students decode the lyrics.

Students and teacher sing along the song, Shuo Chang Lian Pu.
edited by qhuang on 1/5/2012

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Message from qhuang

For some reason, I had a lot of trouble with the formatting of the unit when I pasted it here. I color coded my lesson plans. Each color is for one day. Thank you for viewing.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from qhuang

Here is the song we are going to work on

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from qhuang

This is only a very little part of the whole unit. This is my second year teaching a unit on Chinese New Year. After the color, we will learn name of fruits and vegetable according to the color group. We will finish color with a Mandarin class salad. Of course, students have to name all the fruits and veggies and their colors in Mandarin to be able to enjoy them.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from qhuang

We got an invitation to see a Chinese New Year performance at UCLA. I plan to let students bring their masks and perform this song at UCLA. Yes, all in Mandarin. They are great kids.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from Sophia

How about the song "Gong xi, gong xi"? I taught my students that one for the past Chinese New Year festival that we performed in last new year in Chinatown. It was such a sight. Not one of them was Chinese. The elderly Chinese people in the crowds seemed to enjoy it thoroughly =oD