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Physics in China, Korea, and Japan: A Historical Perspective

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Pooja Gupta
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Physics in China, Korea, and Japan: A Historical Perspective

Title: Physics in China, Korea, and Japan: A Historical Perspective


Grade level: High School



The lesson "Physics in China, Korea, and Japan: A Historical Perspective" is designed to provide high school students with an introduction to the history of physics in East Asia. Through readings, discussions, interactive activities, and individual research, students will explore the contributions made by notable physicists in China, Korea, and Japan and their impact on modern-day physics.


The lesson begins with an introduction to the significance of the contributions of physicists from East Asia and their impact on our understanding of the natural world. The main portion of the lesson involves reading and discussing the history of physics in China, Korea, and Japan, focusing on key figures, discoveries, and advancements. Students will work in small groups to discuss their answers to a handout with discussion questions.


To further explore the history of physics in East Asia, an interactive activity is included where students will research a notable physicist and present their findings to the class. Students will also conduct individual research on the social, cultural, and historical factors that influenced the development of physics in East Asia, and present their findings in a short presentation to the class.


Finally, the lesson will conclude with a final reflection period where students will write a short reflection on what they learned during the lesson and how the contributions of physicists in China, Korea, and Japan have impacted our understanding of physics today.


The lesson is designed to encourage critical thinking and analysis and to give students a greater understanding of the historical and cultural context in which physics developed in East Asia. By the end of the lesson, students will have gained a deeper appreciation of the contributions of physicists in East Asia and their impact on modern-day physics.




Students will explore the history of physics in China, Korea, and Japan

Students will learn about key physicists and their contributions to the field of physics

Students will analyze the impact of these contributions on modern-day physics

Students will develop critical thinking skills by evaluating the social, cultural, and historical factors that influenced the development of physics in East Asia




Reading List on the history of physics in China, Korea, and Japan

Handout with discussion questions

Laptop and projector

Access to the internet for research



Day 1 Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin by asking students if they know any notable physicists from China, Korea, or Japan . Explain that throughout history, these countries have made significant contributions to the field of physics, and these contributions have helped shape our understanding of the natural world.


Reading and Discussion (30 minutes):

Distribute the readings on the history of physics in China, Korea, and Japan. Instruct students to read the assigned sections and take notes on key figures, discoveries, and advancements. After reading, distribute the handout with discussion questions and ask students to work in small groups to discuss their answers.


Discussion questions for the groups:

  1. What are some of the key contributions made by physicists in China, Korea, and Japan, and how have they influenced our understanding of physics today?

  2. How did the social, cultural, and historical factors influence the development of physics in East Asia, and how do these factors compare to those that influenced the development of physics in other parts of the world?

  3. What role did the interactions between physicists in East Asia and those in other parts of the world play in the development of physics in East Asia, and what impact did this have on the field as a whole?

  4. What can we learn from the history of physics in East Asia, and how can this knowledge help us to better understand the field of physics today?

  5. How did the work of notable physicists in East Asia pave the way for future advancements in the field, and what challenges did they face in their work?

  6. How do the cultural and societal attitudes towards science in China, Korea, and Japan compare to those in other parts of the world, and how has this impacted the development of physics in these regions?

  7. What do you think the future of physics in East Asia will look like, and how do you think it will continue to contribute to the field as a whole?


Class Discussion (20 minutes):

Bring the class back together and facilitate a discussion based on the handout questions. Ask students to share their thoughts on the significance of the contributions made by physicists in China, Korea, and Japan, and how those contributions have impacted our understanding of physics today.


Day 2 Interactive Activity (30 minutes):

To further explore the history of physics in China, Korea, and Japan, engage students in an interactive activity Divide the class into groups and assign each group a notable physicist from China, Korea, or Japan. Instruct students to research the physicist and prepare a presentation on their accomplishments, including a demonstration of one of their discoveries or advancements. Each group will present its findings to the class.


Analysis and Reflection (20 minutes):

Instruct students to conduct further research on the social, cultural, and historical factors that influenced the development of physics in China, Korea, and Japan. Students can work individually or in pairs to research a specific factor and prepare a short presentation on their findings. After all presentations are complete, facilitate a class discussion on how these factors influenced the development of physics in East Asia and how they continue to impact the field today.


Final Reflection (10 minutes):

End the lesson with a final reflection period. Ask students to write a short reflection on what they learned during the lesson, and how the contributions of physicists in China, Korea, and Japan have impacted our understanding of physics today.



Assess student understanding through their participation in the small group discussions, class discussions, the interactive activity, and their final reflections. Additionally, review the quality of the research conducted by students on the social, cultural, and historical factors that influenced the development of physics in East Asia.



Encourage students to continue their research on the history of physics in China, Korea, and Japan. Have them create a timeline of key advancements and discoveries made by physicists in East Asia and their impact on the field of physics. Students can also research current advancements in physics made by scientists in China, Korea, and Japan and present their findings to the class.


Here are some of the  readings that can be used for the lesson plan on the history of physics in China, Korea, and Japan:


"A Brief History of Chinese Science" by Joseph Needham:


"The Origins of Science in Japan: A Historiographical Study" by Noriko Tsunekawa:


"Science in Early Korea: Accomplishments and Prospects" by Don Baker:


"The Great Inventions of Ancient China" by Zhang Xiaoke:


"The Korean Contribution to Mathematics" by Kang, Sung Bae:


"Japan's Contributions to High Energy Physics" by Yoichiro Nambu:


"Chinese Studies of Nature and Science" by Fan Dainian:


"Traditional Korean Medicine: Its History and Current Status" by Joo, Kwan-Soo:


"The History of Physics in Japan: A Reflection on the Development of a Discipline" by Hideki Yukawa:


"Mathematical Achievements of Pre-Modern Chinese Civilization" by John N. Crossley:


Notable Physicists:

Chinese Physicists:

Korean Physicists:

  • Choi Won-hoon

  • Kim Yeong-kuk

  • Kim Jae-chul

  • Choe Gi-seong

  • Chun Young-bae

  • Lee Sang-wook

  • Kim Yee-seul

  • Choi Soo-young

  • Kyeong Ok Kim

  • Park Je-Geun

Japanese Physicists: