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Medieval Japan Lesson 4- P. Lamikie

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Medieval Japan Lesson 4- P. Lamikie

This unit is a collobaration among teachers at Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy. I am responsible for Lesson 4 on Samurai Code of Conduct.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from asilvestre


Maybe you could get a You Tube video clip on Marine recruitment to illustrate all soldiers have a brotherhood, code of honor ,and loyalty to themselves.

When students have to do the matching, maybe resource students should be given a detailed list of the responsibilities of each member of the Japanese warrior class , so they can continue with the cut and paste.
edited by asilvestre on 1/9/2012
edited by asilvestre on 1/9/2012

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from fmakhani

Pat I really enjoyed reading your section of our Unit Plan on Medieval Japan. I would include an activity with the video clips. What will your students do after they watch the video clip on Bushido? Are they taking notes? Are they making a comparison to another concept?