This assignment is a collobaration among history teachers and Resource teacher at Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy. The unit is a 12 day lesson plan. I am responsible for Lesson 3
edited by fmakhani on 1/6/2012
This assignment is a collobaration among history teachers and Resource teacher at Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy. The unit is a 12 day lesson plan. I am responsible for Lesson 3
edited by fmakhani on 1/6/2012
In completing this task, make sure the students use their vocabulary key fold to assist them with the character sketch. Also, require them to write a brief reflection of what they learned.
I enjoyed reading your lesson plan -- lots of hands on which I like. An idea.....would it be possible to make your character sketches VERY LARGE. That way they would be to enjoyed by all and would make quite an impact. Pat Lamkie
i love japanese arts and everything about them
This is great! I like how you have them do a hands on activity. Kinesthetic ways of learning are an added bonus. Especially if they get to draw and be creative by creating flip books. Nice touch!