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Lessons not in the Forum

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Anonymous (not verified)
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Lessons not in the Forum

I have not seen the lessons posted that I need to review. Furthermore, the participants who are reviewing my lesson have not responded. When do we have to mail hard copies of our final lesson to the China Institute?

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from mfraser

I am having technical difficulties and am working between two computers. I will post the review of your lesson plan now, although I was not even aware that I was one of the students chosen to review your lesson. I understood those students to be Alma Aguilar and Sylvia Cervantes-Wagner. I am so sorry for the confusions and delay! I appreciate you alerting me to the error and I will be posting my Lesson Plan today. Thanks again!

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Message from mfraser

Please see this site below for clarification of who is to interview who. I understood it to be the Names in BOLD are reviewed by the two names immediately after them in the list.
Let me know what you think about this. Thanks! Mary Fraser

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Message from ACA

I have not seen the lessons I need to review!!! and had seen only one person reviewing mine.