I teach students with a variety of varying degrees of disabilities, some more severe than others. They are non-verbal, non-ambulatory, they are in wheelchairs/adaptive beds, and unable to push themselves. Some are hearing impaired as well as being visually impaired. Others are intellectually disabled. They require adult assistance in all aspects of their daily living skills, such as feeding, and toileting, as well as in their academic abilities. Some also have mobility issues with their arms and fingers; basically they are unable to do much for themselves. Some also sleep the majority of the day, and when awake rarely have/make eye contact of any type of with the adults in the classroom. Their means of communicating is basically just by crying when they feel uncomfortable. However I really enjoy in trying to teach them. I use the Alternate Curriculum Guide for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities, as their standards. These standards are way different than those of the general education population. For this fact, and since I teach 6-8 grade,(secondary) students I am unable to aligned them with the general education core curriculum grade level standards, so I will just utilize the standards that I a m supposed to use and which are more aligned and appropriate to and for my students capabilities I extended my lessons to 5, to be on the safe side and also because they are individual lessons and not as a thematic unit. This summer seminar was on exploring the Visual Arts in Asia, and a lot was talked about artists and movies, because my students are severely disabled I think it would be hard to try to integrate the movies into a lesson for them. I will have my students become artists, so for one lesson I will have them do an Asian painting by coloring in the numbers, as my students still do not know their colors and/or numbers so they will require much assistance and the final product will be paint by number artwork. Lesson 1Materials: paint by number page/s taken from the internet, paints/crayons, paint brushes, water, paper towels,cups,pictures/cards of the different color spectrum, number cards Alternate Curriculum Art standard # 38- Artistic perception. Name art materials (e.g. clay, paint and crayons)introduced in a lessonAnticipatory: teacher will show the students various pictures of Asian paintings and ask if they would like to make a painting. Teacher will ask the students if they would lke to become an artist.Lesson- After the students are shown the various paints, teacher will demonstrate how to paint by number. Teache will explain to the students that they are to paint the sections of the paper with the color that is indicated on the paper, (e.g., 1 =brown, 2=green,3+blue, etc.).teacher will explain to students that if they chose to use paints instead of crayons,, then they will have to use different paint brushes for the different colors. That they will have to wash them before using a next color/ paint. Teacher will then demonstate the process of cleaning one’s brushes by dipping the paint brush/s into the watercups,rinsing brush/es and then drying them of a bit, then dipping te paint brush into the next paint color. Assessment: teacher will check the paintings to see if the students used the right colors in the correct spaces. Extension: Students will be allowed to free paint a painting/coloring pages that is not a paint by number page. Lesson 2 For the second lesson the students will do research on the internet about the popular K-pop bands, (Super Junior, SHINee, Big Bang, Girls Generation, etc.), and write and or type the information. They will be asked to look up information such as: 1) When did the band originate2) What country are they from3) How did they pick the band name/s?4) Who is/are their mentors?5) Where did they first perform, or questions to that effect.Materials: computer/I-pad, paper, pencils, computer /I-pad templates, realia, coloring pages, crayons, question/answer sheets.Alternate Curriculum ELA standard # 10- Ask and answer questions about essential elements of a text, FPI. 10.4 Student will answer “WH” questions about materials read.ELD Alternate curriculum standard # 16, student will demonstrate basic keyboarding skills and familiarity with computer terminology FPI. Student will label key parts of common objects/computer Anticipatory: Students will be shown pictures of a computer/ I-pad and ask if they know what it is, teacher will then point to the real objects and tell them that one can use the computer/I-pads to gain a wealth of information. Students will also be shown picture of famous K-Pop bands, and asked if they know who these people/bands are. Lesson: Teacher will explain to the students what K-pop is. That K-pop is Korean popular music. Teacher will demonstrate how to look up information on the computer by, taking a K pop band entering their name on the computer, (search engines), and wait for the information to pop-up. Teacher will tell the student that’s all they will have to do. Then after they get the information they are to answer the question sheet. Then teacher will tell the students to enter their K-pop band and see what information they get. Teacher will also explain to the student’s that in order to use a computer one has to become familiar with the computer parts, and their usage of. Teacher will explain to students that they will be assessed on the computer parts after their research. Although my students have severe disabilities, they still need to be informed and exposed to technology so teacher will review the/a computer’s basic parts Assessment: Students will label the computer parts, (e.g., mouse, monitor keyboard, etc.).Teacher will review the question/answer sheet. Extension Activity student will be allowed to color a computer/I-pad coloring page/s. and/or coloring pages of bands, (e.g.,) K-pop. Lesson 3The third lesson will be on making a postcard/s as postcards were also a big topic in the seminar.Materials: magazines, 4x6 index cards, scissors, glue sticks/glue, stamps, Standards: Alternate Curriculum ELA standard #17 Understand and follow one-and two-step directions. F.P.I. Beginning Respond to simple directions and questions by using physical actions and other means of non-verbal communications.Alternate Curriculum ELA Standard # 15-Print Legibly and space letters, words and sentence appropriately Anticipatory: Students will be asked if they have ever been on vacation, students then will be shown post cards of different locations and asked if they have ever been there before. Students will then be asked if they would like to make a post card and mail it to a friend or family member.Lesson: teacher will tell the students that sometimes when people go on vacation, they like to send postcards to their friend/family members to let them know where they are at, or where they went. Teacher will then tell students they are going to make their very own postcards and send it to their friends/family. Teacher will tell students that they are to leave a space consisting of three lines for the recipients address, and a space for the senders return address in case there is a problem with the delivery of the post card, and then the post card will be returned to the sender at the senders address. Teacher will then demonstrate the process of looking though magazines, and cutting interesting, beautiful, and or fun places and gluing them on a 4x6 index card, but leaving the spaces for the addresses and the postage clear of pictures. Teacher will then demonstrate the process of putting postage on the post cards and filling in the address and return address spots. Students will then be allowed to make their postcards. Assessment: teacher/assistants will then look over the students work, and see if they have followed the directions correctly, (e.g., leaving the address and postage areas clear of pictures. Teacher will also review the address places to see if they are correctly filled-in and proper finger spacing is in place.Extension Activity: Students will make additional post cards for their peers. Lesson 4Teacher will conduct a class community walk lesson on safety so that the students can learn about safety and be able to mail there postcards while out in the community. Materials: Community signs, (e.g., stop sign, stop light, do not enter, etc.) picture of a post man, post office.Standards:Alternate Curriculum ELA standard #17 Understand and follow one-and two-step directions. F.P.I. - Beginning- Respond to simple directions and questions by using physical actions and other means of non-verbal communication (e.g., matching objects, pointing to an answer, drawing pictures)Alternate Curriculum Physical Education standard # 6 travel different ways in a large group without bumping into others or falling. F.P.I. 6.2 students will navigate around stationary obstacles without bumping into themFPI 6.4 student will navigate through a group of people without bumping into them. Anticipatory: Teacher will show the students the community signs and asked them if they know what they mean and/or represent. Teacher will show a short safety video taken from You-tube“Walk This Way”: Pedestrian Safety for Young Children, Lesson: teacher will tell the students that since they have made their post cards, now it is time for them to go to the post office and mail the postcards to their friends/family. Teacher will tell the students that when they are out in the community that they have to follow the rules of the community to be safe, that they must obey the signs/symbols on their way, and watch for traffic. Teacher will explain that many times, it is not them that are the distracted ones, but the drivers of the cars themselves. Teacher will outline the path of the community walk to the post office on the board. Teacher will also hand out map/diagrams to the students of the path. Assessment: Students will be given pages of the different community signs and asked to identify what they mean, (e.g., school crossing, rail road crossing, danger, etc.).Extension Activity; Students will match vocabulary words to community signs Because I had so much fun in the seminar I will include an extra lesson just to finish off a full week of the Arts, and for the/my student’s benefits, so that they can keep on trying to learn their colors, as well as continue on with their artistic endeavors. Lesson 5We will be making a color booklet to help the students learn their colors, as every artist must know and use colors to do their paintings. Materials: paper, scissors, different color paints, markers, crayons, picture cards of fruits, vegetables, objects, realia, Visual Art StandardsArtistic perception38. Name art materials, (e.g., clay, paint and crayons) introduced in a lesson. Anticipatory: Teacher will have the students do a gallery walk consisting of the students paint by number artwork and ask the students to name all the colors that they see on the artwork. Then teacher will show the students a prepared color booklet and ask the students if they would like to make one. The students will naturally agree to it. Lesson: I will have the assistants as well as myself do the hand over hand instruction with the students. We will make a color booklet, where we fold a piece of paper and fold it into eight parts making a booklet. Directions can be taken from the internet.How to Make a Quick and Easy 8 Page Mini-Book from One Piece of Paper Each page we will paint it a different color, so that we can show the students the different pages/s with a different colors and introduce them to the primary colors (red, blue, yellow),and the secondary colors, (orange, green purple), as well as the colors, black, brown and white. I/we will also teach them other colors, such as pink, gray, turquoise, etc. As well as the materials, such as paints, crayons, paint brushes, etc. We would show them the different colors and then show them what things are of that same color, for instance we would show them the color yellow and then show them a banana, lemon, canary, etc. Each day we will show them the painted pages. Telling them what color it is they are looking at. Then we will tell them and show them items that are of those colors, for instance telling the students that an orange, is an edible fruit and it is of the color orange, that the sun is the color of yellow and show them pictures/flashcards, of items that are yellow,, (e.g., banana, lemon, car, etc.). Extension activity: The students will color/paint a coloring page of an art palette so that they can continue working on identifying the/their colors and to feel like real artists. Extension Activity: art palette. Accommodations/Modifications: The more able students would be allowed to work on their own, or with assistance as needed. The other students will be assisted accordingly to their needs, (e.g., help with coloring, gluing, and identification). The visually impaired students would be given enlarged cut-outs, vocabulary words and shown enlarged images. Lots of repetition will be done to assist the students with speech and language impediments as well as the hearing impaired. For the ELL student’s lots of repetition of the content area vocabulary, as well instructions in Spanish when needed and as appropriate. *Reminder that my students are severely disabled, and these lessons although appearing easy, will be difficult for most if not all. *images and video taken from the internet and You-tube