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3-Day Lesson Plans for East Asia Foodways

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Lizette Bernal
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3-Day Lesson Plans for East Asia Foodways
Rationale for the Proposed Unit:

The proposed unit on the origins of ramen and its contribution to the US is a unique and engaging way to teach students about this popular dish's rich history and cultural significance. My students rave about ramen dishes and the many challenges trending on TikTok. By incorporating research, restaurant visits, and interviews with chefs, students will gain a deeper understanding of ramen and develop valuable research, communication, and critical thinking skills. This unit fits perfectly into an English language course, encouraging students to read, write, and speak about a relevant and interesting topic.

Prior to the unit, students will have a basic understanding of the English language and its components, such as grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. They will also have some knowledge of different cultures and their contributions to the world. With this foundation, students will be ready to tackle the research and communication aspects of the unit, as well as the critical thinking required to analyze and synthesize information about ramen.

Skill and Content Objectives:

The proposed unit aligns with the following California or LAUSD district standards:

  1. English Language Arts and English Language Development Standards:

    1. Reading: Students will read and comprehend various texts, including informational texts, to gather information about the origins of ramen and its impact on the US.

    2. Writing: Students will write informative and explanatory texts to present their findings on ramen and its cultural significance.

    3. Speaking and Listening: Students will engage in collaborative discussions and presentations to share their research and insights about ramen.

  2. Social Studies Standards:

    1. Students will analyze the impact of globalization on the spread of cultural practices, such as the popularity of ramen in the US.

    2. Students will evaluate the contributions of different cultures to the development of American cuisine.

Lesson Plan Components:

Day 1: Introduction to Ramen and Research

Objective: Students will understand the origins of ramen and its cultural significance and begin researching its history and impact on the US.


  • Textbook reading on the history of ramen

  • Handout with discussion-launching questions


  1. Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever tried ramen and what they know about its origins.

  2. Introduce the concept of ramen as a cultural phenomenon and its impact on the US.

  3. Distribute the textbook reading on the history of ramen and have students read and take notes.

  4. Provide a handout with discussion-launching questions to guide students' understanding of the reading.

  5. Divide students into small groups and have them discuss their answers to the questions.

  6. Conclude the lesson by assigning individual research projects on the history of ramen and its impact on the US.

Day 2: Restaurant Visits and Chef Interviews

Objective: Students will visit local ramen restaurants and interview chefs to gain firsthand knowledge about ramen and its preparation.


  • List of local ramen restaurants

  • Handout with interview questions


  1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the research projects from Day 1 and discussing any questions or concerns.

  2. Divide students into small groups and assign them to visit local ramen restaurants.

  3. Provide a handout with interview questions for students to ask the restaurant chefs.

  4. Instruct students to take notes on preparing and presenting ramen at each restaurant.

  5. After the restaurant visits, have students share their experiences and insights with the class.

Day 3: Presentation and Analysis

Objective: Students will present their research findings and analyze the cultural significance of ramen in the US.


  • Handout with presentation guidelines

  • Rubric for assessing student presentations


  1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the restaurant visits and chef interviews from Day 2.

  2. Provide a handout with presentation guidelines and have students prepare their presentations on the history of ramen and its impact on the US.

  3. Instruct students to create informative and engaging presentations with their research and interview notes.

  4. Have students present their findings to the class, using visual aids and other multimedia tools as needed.

  5. After each presentation, engage the class in a discussion about the cultural significance of ramen in the US and its contributions to American cuisine.

  6. Conclude the lesson by providing feedback on the presentations and assigning a reflective writing assignment on the unit as a whole.

Assessment Plan:

Culminating activities, projects, or other tasks that will permit students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired include:

  1. Individual research projects on the history of ramen and its impact on the US.

  2. Group restaurant visits and chef interviews.

  3. Informative and engaging presentations on the history of ramen and its cultural significance.

  4. Reflective writing assignments on the unit as a whole.

These assessments will be evaluated using the following rubrics:

  1. Research Project Rubric: This rubric will assess students' ability to gather and synthesize information about the history of ramen and its impact on the US.

  2. Presentation Rubric: This rubric will assess students' ability to create informative and engaging presentations on the history of ramen and its cultural significance.

  3. Reflective Writing Rubric: This rubric will assess students' ability to reflect on their learning experiences throughout the unit and articulate their understanding of the cultural significance of ramen in the US.

This three-day lesson plan incorporates research, restaurant visits, and chef interviews to provide students with a unique and engaging way to learn about the origins of ramen and its contribution to the US. Through this unit, students will gain a deeper understanding of ramen and develop valuable research, communication, and critical thinking skills that will serve them well in their future academic and professional endeavors.