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Korean Film- Housemaid

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Anonymous (not verified)
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Korean Film- Housemaid

Korean Movie- The Housemaid
When I was talking to my sister about which movie to choose for my review, she told me that the Korean movies were funny, sweet, and very modest. Having never watched a foreign film on NetFlix, I typed in Korean movies and chose Housemaid. It was definitely not modest and not a movie you would want to watch with your family!
The beginning of the movie begins in a city setting and outlines the sounds; cars, horns, machinery, and voices, putting the audience in the moment and setting the mood. The main character is working in a food establishment and during the chaos, a woman jumps from a balcony above the city streets and dies. The main character is curious and goes back the next day to see where the body had landed and studies the scene for a while before moving on. The main character gets back on her moped and arrives for a job interview at a wealthy, prominent home, hoping to receive the position of Housemaid. When she takes the job, she is responsible for the family’s young girl and soon to be twins, the lady of the house (who is pregnant with twins), cooking, cleaning, and other household chores. What she did not sign up for was a relationship with the man of the house. When he arrives at the house, he almost immediately shows inappropriate interest in the housemaid and quickly starts taking advantage of her.
The housemaid is kindhearted and loves her job, taking care of the little girl and the lady of the house. She also enjoys the attention she is getting from her employer and unknowingly gets pregnant. The housemaid works with a wise, intuitive, older woman who manages the house. When this woman suspects that the housemaid is pregnant, she tells the mother of the lady of the house. There is a definite separation of classes and when the mother finds out about the pregnancy, she “accidentally” pushes the housemaid off of a ladder and almost kills her, in trying to cause a miscarriage. The women of the house are successful in terminating the pregnancy, through secretly poisoning the housemaid and causing her to lose the baby.
There is complete sadness within the housemaid, but there is also an anger and need for revenge. She arrives at the house and jumps from the balcony and hangs herself, in front of the family. This is where it gets interesting- she also sets herself on fire?! The family if horrified and runs from the home as the housemaid is hanging dead, on fire, swinging from the chandelier.
This movie was very artistic with different camera angles, music, and quirkiness. There was also another moment that took place after the last tragic scene in which the housemaid, who is dressed up beautifully, the man of the house, and little girl are out in the snow for a birthday party. The housemaid starts singing “Happy Birthday” in a Marilyn Monroe style, while the man pops open a bottle of champagne and is pouring it in glasses for all of them including the little girl. As this interesting scene is taking place, the little girl moves from them and walks toward the camera with a blank and confused look.
I would recommend this movie for mature audiences and for people who like artistic and unique stories and films. I felt a connection with the main character and wanted her to preserver. The shots of the city captured the Seoul I remember and brought back fond memories of my time there.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from tvancuren

I was just going over my requirement list and obviously did not read over it that well :/ This is not a movie you would use for teaching!! It is an artistic movie and has the feel of an independent film.