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Film Review:Upcoming Children's Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings

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Film Review:Upcoming Children's Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings

There is a new children's animated film coming out this August called Kubo and the Two Strings. Since my sister works for a movie production company, I have been fortunate enough to preview it before it has been released to the public. Although it is a children's movie, in my opinion it is geared towards a slightly higher audience than what the film has been rated. There are a few scary scenes that young children may find frightening. I would place this movie geared towards 8 years and up.

In this movie, Kubo, the main character is a young boy set with a plot and storyline in ancient Asia. Although they do not specify, it appears to be set in ancient Japan, though there are many details and timelines that relate to ancient China/Chinese culture as well. Kubo is the son of a goddess and samurai warrior. He has magical powers based upon ancient storytelling and fairytale similar to many of those introduced in traditional stories. Through his own story telling to the audience and use of origami figures, he tries to recreate stories and history of his own.

Through various adventures and introduction of animal characters, his searching for his father's powers and old suit of armor so magic (and a bit of havoc) go underway. The setting and details related to Asia, Japan and Japanese culture, language, writing, art, food, traditions, storytelling, and commonplace objects are displayed and created well through this film. I believe that children in grades 3-12 will find some historical accuracy and importance. It also provides good opportunity to compare and contrast cultural values, heritage, and customs of Asia as well as the ideals of "old" and "new" (in relation to ancient and modern times). The Gods and figures of ancient Japan and Japanese culture are introduced as well. Overall I feel it was a good movie and worth a preview by teachers before introducing to their elementary or history class.
edited by skollar on 6/19/2016