"Ode to My Father" is a powerful and emotional film about a Korean family's struggles and sacrifices during and after the Korean War. Directed by Yoon Je-kyoon, the film follows the life of Deok-soo, played by Hwang Jung-min, as he grows from a young boy to an older man, navigating the challenges and hardships of a divided Korea.
The film provides a unique opportunity for high school students to learn about this critical period in Korean history and to explore themes such as family, sacrifice, and perseverance. The historical context of the Korean War and its aftermath is woven throughout the film, making it a valuable resource for history classes and classes where relevant themes are explored.
Furthermore, the film's powerful emotional impact makes it an excellent tool for engaging students in discussions about broader themes such as the value of family, the importance of sacrifice, and the consequences of war. The film's portrayal of Deok-soo's unwavering commitment to his family, even in the face of tremendous adversity, can be a powerful example of student resilience and perseverance, especially in English Language Development (ELD) classes where Newcomer students may find similarities within their our story.
However, it is essential to note that the film's portrayal of historical events may only partially be accurate, and teachers should use it to supplement other resources and perspectives. Additionally, the film's emotional intensity may be challenging for some students, so teachers should be prepared to provide support and context as needed. When I watched it with a group of friends from church, the Hulu commercials provided a brief buffer between the emotional scenes. They allowed for dialogue to happen at appropriate times in the film. This, too, may help students and teachers discuss the movie as it's playing.
Overall, "Ode to My Father" is a powerful and moving film that can be used effectively in the high school classroom. Its historical context, emotional impact, and exploration of universal themes make it a valuable resource for teachers and students.