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"Boat People" and its Use in the Classroom

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"Boat People" and its Use in the Classroom

“Boat People” by Vaya of San Diego is a short video (10:45) available on YouTube that depicts Vietnamese Boat People fleeing Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. It is a documentary discussing the hardships encountered by these refugees at sea. Fifty percent of the Boat People DIED and never made it to shore, which equates to roughly 1 million deaths at sea.
The biography “An Unforgettable Journey,” covered in our Holt textbook is a brief account of Maijue Xiong’s struggles as an exile. This video offers facts about America’s involvement after the war as well as visuals that show students the extent of deprivation suffered by refugees fleeing from war. The video contains a segment about the Mekong River that is referenced in Maijue Xiong’s biography.

Using a Thinking Map, Venn Diagram, or T-chart, students will compare Maijue Xiong’s depiction of migration to that portrayed in the video.
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edited by cfahey on 1/2/2015