I thoroughly enjoyed this session as Mr. Clay Dube is such a good presenter he really knows his stuff. This session was good because of the in depth of the explanations of the 3 groups the self-strengtheners, the reformers and the rebellious groups and there causes. Mr. Dube explains that these movements happened in sort of a sequential order. How the self=strengtheners wanted to use/ instill more technology into their group in order to get better. While the reformers wanted more science and technology in theirs, but wanted to make their own, they convinced the emperor to push a revision for it. Japan has now become strong and powerful and now becomes open.
I agree with you that this session was one of the most interesting and informative when it comes to ideas to implement information in an engaging way in our classrooms. Having students role play historical characters is a great way to have them connect and understand information from the past. I really liked this strategy and I am planning to use it in my class too.
Kudos to you Cristina for ppplanning on using this strategy in your classroom and upcoming lessons. I bet it would be so much fun to watch and interesting to see how the students in their role play characters. Good Luck