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Session 7 Lecture

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Alejandra Jimenez
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Session 7 Lecture

Workers collectives with lawyers to stand up to business people

Everyone demanded same things: housing, health care, and transportation basic fist nation necessities.


Book: China’s Workers Wronged by Han Dongfang

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Film by Han Dongfang

The film reminds me of a third world country that violates basic human rights. China is always portrayed on television as an innovative country in technology, mass production countless products used all over the world. It is shocking that a globalized country like China still struggling internal problems between political, internal power struggle to be stable to survive and be competitive economy honoring workers rights by overturn communist regime. “Why the party will make hundred million workers how to settle the legilamaracy with the workers” 12 years work place collective bargaining for a contract to respect the spirit or symbol of civilization. Be sensible and rational to see the chances to be successful.  Laws passed in 1994, gov. sent labor scholars study across countries to write the best law “no base to practice or ground to practice law” defending working rights help to set foundation for law. Economic inequality: labor, management**anti-corruption gained popularity. Country is not able to survive without common interest.


Factories ***collective bargaining, labor relation, organized labor is the only solution. Participate in collective bargaining to hold identity as a worker or laborer.