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Everybody Eats Rice

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Anonymous (not verified)
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Everybody Eats Rice

Sorry, I was referencing the book, "How My Parents Learned To Eat", which is a picture book about an intermarriage. Where the father needs to learn to use chopsticks and the mother learns to use a fork. After reading the book, I collected chopsticks for all my students and brought in small marshmallows to teach the students how to use chopsticks properly. I used this book in conjunction with "Everybody Eats Rice".

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from dchoi

A nice parallel to the piece would be 'Everybody likes Spice'. In a short story I read with my students one year students read of a character who made their own kim chi. Students were unaware of the food so I brought some into the class for them to eat. Many students compared the spice and food to foods from their own cultures. An interesting unit could focus on the similarities of foods between different cultures.