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Anonymous (not verified)
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Some time ago I watched Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan

The movie is an action adventure picture with the usual historical inaccuracies however it is exciting and show Temujin (Genghis Khan) as an extremely clever person who underwent great hardship and built his power by instilling loyalty in those around him. Similar to the "Secret History of the Mongols" the triumph of Genghis Khan is not when he attacks China or destroys the Khwarazm Shah but rather in his ability to unite the Mongol tribes. Of course as an action film it has some grand battle which are stylized in a manor familiar to anyone watching modern Fu influenced action films.

The love story is very interesting. Borte is captured by the Merkits and Temujin rescues her however in most movies the rescue is accomplished right away. In this movie Borte is pregnant by the time she is rescued. However during the rescue it appears she has killed her captor/rapist and is happy to be with Temujin or accepts her and the child. (This appears to be supported by historical sources). Later when Temujin is captured by Tanguts, Borte effects the rescue but to do so had to marry a wealthy merchant with whom she has had more children. These are the trials and examples of the loyalty of someone who goes from being and orphan to being a great conqueror.

I don't show Mongol because it is R rated however the general audiences trailer is very exciting and I use it as a hook when we study the Mongols. Some students with parent permission have watched it on their own and enjoyed it as they would any western action adventure.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from mmaitchoukow

No interest in this because I teach 7th grade and therefore cannot show the movie; however, the history behind it all can definitely be shared in class.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from gvaliulis

It teach 7th grade as well. That is why I show the all ages trailer.