Past Events
UC Berkeley's Xiao Qiang speaks as part of the lecture series on "The Emerging Narrative of China."
Dr. Ni will discuss decoding the iconography of some frequently seen décor on Chinese pictorial representations.
UCLA hosts a talk with Chang-Ling Huang from National Taiwan University.
The Center for International Studies presents a talk with USC U.S.-China Institute Executive Committee member Dan Lynch as part of the Director's Workshop Series.
The Sigur Center for Asian Studies hosts Linda Jakobson as part of the lecture series on transnational Asia.
5:00 PM
**Event Postponed Until Fall 2008**
Wiebke Denecke - Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures, Barnard College
Dr. Louise Yuhas examines the essence of the Chinese garden.
Newly appointed World Bank Chief Economist, Justin Lin will speak at USC.
USC hosts Chen Yunying, a leading Chinese scholar of special education and child development.