Past Events
Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid will discuss the diverse and distinct cultures of "other" China while presenting riveting photographs chronicling their travels.
Ladan Akbarnia gives an overview of khita'i — an apparently Chinese or far eastern - inspired aesthetic.
This panel discussion will analyze this burgeoning relationship to answer this question and more, assessing implications for both China and Africa.
The Renwen Society at China Institute presents a special talk by Mr. Peter McClintock, Director at the Metropolitan Opera House.
Chinese born opera singer Hao Jiang Tian performs the songs that highlight his tumultuous journey from the Cultural Revolution to the Metropolitan Opera.
A one-day workshop on teaching about human rights.
Join in for a conversation about flipping off the Old Guard, new Chinese writing, belonging, escape, heartbreak, and craft.
The USC School of International Relations will feature a talk with David Kang.