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Past Events: California
This China session is part of the Pacific Council on International Policy's Spring Conference.
Stanford University presents a talk with Scott Rozelle and Alain de Janvry on similarities in Chinese and African agricultural development and food policy.
The Society for Asian Art presents a lecture with James Cahill on the importance of non-literati classes and women in Chinese art.
Kam Wing Chan, geography professor at the University of Washington will discuss the potential of the China market in the 10th annual Wan-Lin Kiang Lecture, hosted by the Center for Asian Studies.
A discussion with Zuoxiao Zuzhou, a leading musician, composer, and activist of contemporary China.
Dr. Reza Hasmath speaks on the relationship between the state and NGOs in China.
University of Singapore professor Wang Gungwu examines perceptions of the "exceptional" Chinese who left China and implications for today's China.
Four leading Han historians have been convened for this workshop, each offering a different "take" on the controversial and powerful work of historical Chinese writing.
The Institute of East Asian Studies at UC Berkeley presents a talk with Chang-hee Nam on China's most recent historical sovereignty claims on parts of Korea.
The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) is dedicated to new ideas and best practicesNational Chinese Language Conference in the field of Chinese language teaching and learning and U.S.–China educational exchange.