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Past Events: screening

October 28, 2012 - 4:00pm
Los Angeles, California

Part of the UCLA Confucius Institute's inaugural China Onscreen Biennial (银幕中国双年展)project, Director Peng Tao achieves soaring humanism and lyricism in this portrait of life among the lonely. Cremator Cao makes a living incinerating the dead, while secretly selling “ghost wives” to bereaved families seeking companions for their recently deceased, single sons.

October 27, 2012 - 7:30pm
Los Angeles, California

Part of the UCLA Confucius Institute's inaugural China Onscreen Biennial (银幕中国双年展)project, director Wang Bing vividly recreates the brutal conditions at the Jiabiangou labor camp in the Gobi Desert in the 1950s.

October 27, 2012 - 4:00pm
Los Angeles, California

Part of the UCLA Confucius Institute's inaugural China Onscreen Biennial (银幕中国双年展)project, master documentarist Wang Bing turns his camera to the most invisible among the Chinese population, three girls living in poverty.

October 27, 2012 - 2:00pm
Los Angeles, California

The USC U.S.-China Institute and the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture present a panel discussion on the film industry in China and its impact on the American market.

October 26, 2012 - 7:30pm
Los Angeles, California

Part of the UCLA Confucius Institute's inaugural China Onscreen Biennial (银幕中国双年展)project, Li Yu's briskly paced psychological thriller is her most ambitious feature yet.

October 26, 2012 - 7:00pm
Washington, District of Columbia

The Smithsonian Freer/Sackler Museums present a screening of Beijing Flickers by auteur Zhang Yuan.

October 26, 2012 - 7:00pm
Durham, North Carolina

Duke University presents the screening of "Satiated Village."

October 24, 2012 - 7:30pm
Durham, North Carolina

Opening Reception and Q&A with filmmaker Luo Bing.

October 23, 2012 - 8:30pm
Los Angeles, California

BEIJING FLICKERS is inspired by interviews Sixth Generation auteur Zhang Yuan conducted with hundreds of 20-somethings when he was working on his photography exhibition of the same title.
