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Past Events: public talk

March 1, 2013 - 12:00pm
Bloomington, Indiana

Part of the East Asian Colloquium, Jonathan Schlesigner discusses the environmental differences of Qing Manchuria.

February 28, 2013 - 4:30pm
New Haven, Connecticut

The Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University presents a talk with Janet Chen on language in the 1920s in China as a part of the China Colloquium Series.

February 28, 2013 - 4:15pm
Stanford, California

A discussion with Carl Walter and James Chen on potential financial reforms in China and their implications.

February 28, 2013 - 12:00pm
Berkeley, California

This talk with Cambridge professor Franck Billé examines the economic implications of a set of "twin" cities on the Chinese-Russian border.

February 27, 2013 - 12:00pm
Berkeley, California

Professor Chung-in Moon of Yonsei University considers the questions: What is South Korea's perception of China's rise? How has China's rise influenced its interactions with the two Koreas as well as the ROK-US alliance?

February 27, 2013 - 12:00pm
Stanford, California

Stanford University's Center for East Asian Studies presents a talk with Eileen Cheng on the Lu Xun's book, Wild Grass.

February 26, 2013 - 7:00pm
New York, New York

This collection of private notes have been organized and translated into English by Kathleen Yang, his mentee, who will speak about her book, Through a Chinese Connoisseur's Eye: Private Notes of C.C. Wang.

February 26, 2013 - 4:00pm
Berkeley, California

This talk examines the oldest mosques and selected famous ones through extant buildings and textual records in China, demonstrating their uniquely Chinese architecture.

February 25, 2013 - 2:00pm
Berkeley, California

A discussion of Chiang Kai-Shek's education policies with Zhengwei Liu of Zhejiang University.

February 25, 2013 - 12:00pm
Stanford, California

Stanford University presents a talk with Scott Rozelle and Alain de Janvry on similarities in Chinese and African agricultural development and food policy.
