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Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Maria Repnikova

December 5, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "Frenemy: How Chinese Journalists Perceive the Internet.”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Cui Di

December 5, 2012

Presenter at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the poster presentation is "Will Microblogging affect Chinese Journalists Professional identities?”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Jenova Chen

December 4, 2012

Keynote speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The discussion covers the influence of culture on creativity and gaming.

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Visa 2012 Survey Findings, December 1, 2012

December 1, 2012

In 2012, the Foreign Correspondents Club of China conducted a survey of members to determine if there were widespread problems securing visas and visa renewals. Here is the FCCC report.

USC and China in the News, September and October 2012

October 30, 2012

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs.

USC and China in the News, March and April 2012

April 27, 2012

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs.

Video: Rob Schmitz on Covering China

April 18, 2012

USC U.S.-China Institute and the USC Annenberg School of Journalism Director’s Forum present a discussion with Rob Schmitz.

"Top Secret" Goes to China

March 6, 2012

Video from the USC U.S.-China Institute symposium on the play that recently toured China, where it stimulated considerable debate about the role of the press.

Assignment: China - The Week that Changed the World

January 31, 2012

Richard Nixon described his 1972 trip to China as "the week that changed the world." This segment in the USC U.S.-China Institute's series on American reporting on China focuses on coverage of that historic summit.

Video: Media and Culture in Contemporary China

January 10, 2012

A two-day conference featuring Chinese producer Zhang Jizhong, sponsored by the UCLA-USC Joint East Asian Studies Center, examined the globalization of China's entertainment industry and the popular culture in contemporary China.
